Chapter Fifteen: MINERVA

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Well here we go guys-fifteen chapters in! Next chapter is THE chapter you've all been waiting for. Thank you so much for all the reads, comments, and votes! I appreciate each and every one of them and I hope you enjoy!

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Nestled into the side of the mountain, the sacred cave at first appeared no different than any other hollow Orea had explored, the grotto illuminated only by the soft blue glow of hanging lichen, giving light to the dripping wet stone.

"May the land-gods forgive our trespass," Zo murmured, her entire side pressed closely against Varl's, the gravesinger likely finding his presence a comfort. Orea couldn't say she knew the feeling herself, having never known the legends of the goddess told to Nora children by the campfire, but she could imagine the uncertainty-and perhaps apprehension-that came with breaking such a long-standing taboo. If anything, the thought made Orea respect Zo more (not that she didn't already) for venturing into the cave with them, despite her reservations.

The cavern morphed quickly from natural into mechanical, Orea spotting the telltale triangular gateway of a Cauldron facility. To the huntress's dismay however, she found the entrance barred, guarded by a near-invisible force field.

"We'll have to find a way around," she whispered to Aloy, who nodded in agreement.

"What is that?" Zo whispered, reaching a tentative hand forward so as to feel its surface. Orea gently pulled her back, having once made the same mistake the first time she had encountered a Cauldron. The results had not been pleasant.

"It's a wall, made of light. You can't touch it or go through. Trust me, we've tried."

"So how do we get around it?" Zo asked, not missing a beat.

"These tunnels on the side seem like a good bet," Aloy observed, beginning to climb up a portion of the rockface. "There's a chance they run into the facility."

"Then let's go," Varl added, a hint of excitement in his voice. Oh right, this is his first Cauldron. He's probably dying to see what's inside. Orea could vividly remember the awe her very first Cauldron-SIGMA-had instilled in her. Despite the very real danger that had been present, there was something breathtaking in actually getting to watch as machines were built, the pure scope and size of such a task beyond anything the huntress had ever seen up to that point.

Orea followed her sister's lead through the tunnels, winding and turning until the path opened up into a larger chamber, all eyes drawn to the red gleam of the Cauldron's primary entrance, nestled into the rocks. The Seekers' Focuses flashed an alert, brandishing the foundry as Repair Bay TAU. It's not a Cauldron?

"What's a repair bay?" Orea whispered to herself, noting the equally inquisitive expression of her twin. Rather than build machines, maybe this place repairs ones that have already been built? That would explain how, after entering, the land-gods always emerged out of the bay good as new.

"Everyone ready?" Aloy asked, approaching the door, spear in hand. "Once we open this door, there's no turning back." Zo and Varl shared a glance and nodded, Roger chirping seemingly in confirmation. Orea turned to Zo, fishing a spare Focus out of her pocket.

"You're going to need one of these to understand what's going on in there." Zo studied the device in Orea's palm hesitantly, before finally taking it. "It goes right atop your ear, near the temple," the huntress explained, brushing aside her braids to show the gravesinger her own Focus. Zo's eyes widened as the de ice activated, letting out an astonished breath as her vision was no doubt swarmed with light and color.

"There's blue light on the door," she whispered. "Is that supposed to happen?"

"Yeah, it's alright," Orea offered. "I know it can take some getting used to."

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