Chapter Six: The Embassy

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Well, well, well, ladies and gentleman, here we are. The Embassy!

Quick note for this chapter, back in chapter one or two I changed Orea's hair color from blonde to black. Enjoy!

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Dry sand crunched underneath Orea's feet as she took her first steps in the Forbidden West. Perhaps it was foolish to believe so, but Orea felt there was something...magical about this moment. Sure, they were only a few hundred feet out of Barren Light, but they had officially left the safety of Carja territory, and leapt into the unknown. As much as her warrior's sensibility urged her to remain cautious about the Tenakth they would undoubtedly encounter, Orea couldn't help but feel light as air as she made her way forward.

Beyond their position, and growing closer by the second, was a sort of open gate; no doubt the official divider between East and West. A metal line ran through its center, two stern stone statues guarding each side. Clustered on the other side of the line were seven-no, eight-warriors: Tenakth Marshalls, Orea assumed. The huntress caught Aloy eyeing them warily. Well, here goes nothing.

As the trio marched ever closer to the line, the Tenakth caught sight of them, and stalked threateningly forward, weapons in hand. Now that Orea could see the Tenakth up close, she was beginning to understand why so many Carja feared them. They were ferocious, covered head to toe in ink and pigment, casting fierce shades upon their faces. Their armor was rugged, made of harsh, jagged angles yet allowing enough flexibility for freedom of movement. There was none of the uniformity or flourish typical to the Carja guard; every piece of the Tenatkh, from head to toe, was built to fight and kill, and each donned their own unique set.

"That is the line between East and West!" a Tenakth roared, presumably the delegation's leader, as the rest of the Marshalls snarled behind him. "Cross it and die!" we're off to a great start.

"Hold on now," Aloy attempted, holding out her hands to appear as non-threatening as possible, trying to show they weren't here to fight.

"None may walk this valley until our signal sounds. That was our accord with the Carja," the High Marshall continued, practically spitting the word 'Carja' as if it were nothing more than a bad taste in his mouth.

"We're not Carja," Orea replied. "We came here on our own to ask for passage west."

"But they opened the gates for you, did they not?" Well, more like were forced to open them. "What is the meaning of this violation!"

"Why send outlanders?" A female Marshall questioned, gesturing to them. "Do the Carja want to parlay or not?"

"The Carja can't be trusted!" Another shouted, spitting angrily into the dirt. "This is known!"

"Forget the Carja, this has nothing to do with them," Aloy answered. "The three of us need to go west to save lives, maybe even yours." The Tenakth didn't seem to take to the idea, the High Marshall hovering his cleaver against Aloy's neck.

"The only lives you can save are your own," he hissed. "By turning back, now."

"You want to test that theory?" Orea growled, voice deadly as she placed a hand on her spear. "Cause right now I'm liking our odds, unless you get your blade out of my sister's face!" Embassy or not, nobody threatened her sister, not on her watch- not the Carja, not the Nora, and not the Tenakth either. "We can either talk this out or you can taste my spear. Your choice."

"You!" the High Marshall howled, moving to attack. So much for diplomacy. Faster than lightning, Orea unsheathed her spear, swinging to take a step-

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