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The next day, Wilbur walked back to Las Nevadas, only to be met by Quackity at the border. "I told you to get the fuck out and never come back. I was pretty clear, Wilbur." Quackity crossed his arms. "I came here to apologize and try to help. Please, Quackity. I can fix it-" "No. You can't. Go home, Wilbur. I don't need you here. You're just a burden." Wilbur's face plummeted. All he wanted to do was make things right. He knew Quackity didn't think too fondly of him, but was he really that much of a problem? Wilbur had a big, fat crush on Quackity, and all he wanted to do was make him happy. Now, blowing up a building isn't the greatest way of making someone swoon over you, especially if it's their building that you're blowing up, but Wilbur was trying. Give him a break, man. Wilbur ran up to Quackity, who had started to walk away, and he grabbed his hand. Now that Quackity was facing him, Wilbur began to explain himself. "Quackity, I- please! I wanna fix it! I'll do anything to make this better. Anything. Anything! Please?" Wilbur had gotten a lot poutier and more toddler-esc with his explanations. "Fine. Go work on the building with Sam. If it'll make you stop bitching, you can go. Less paid workers for me to have to deal with." Wilbur looked at Quackity and then pulled his into a tight hug. Quackity didn't hug back. He still had his arms crossed, but Wilbur didn't care. "Thank you big Q! I won't let you down!" Quackity watched Wilbur run off to go work, his coat flapping in the wind. Quackity started mumbling under his breath.

"You Never do, Wil. You never do."

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