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"I, I can explain. I wasn't thinking straight!" Wilbur dropped to his knees and put his hand together as if he was praying. "Please Quackity. Forgive me." Wilbur started to tear up. "What. Did. You. Do!" Wilbur started crying. Quackity reluctantly kneeled down to comfort Wilbur. "Wilbur, what did you do?" Quackity started to tear up as well, but he hid it. "Tell me, tell me please." Ranboo burst in the room, eves bright. "Boss, I- Wilbur? What's wrong? The plan was a success..?" "NOT THE TIME, RANBOO!" Ran looked genuinely confused, maybe because he was.

"The restaurant." Wilbur confessed. "I blew up the restaurant." Quackity burst out laughing. At first Wilbur was confused, until he realized that his laugh wasn't humorous, it was maniacal. Wilbur placed his hands on Quackity's hips and pleaded for forgiveness.
"Uhm, when am I getting paid?"
"NOT NOW RANBOO!" Both Wilbur and Quackity yelled. "Wilbur. Get out. I gave you grace, I gave you a shot. Then you blew up my building."
Wilbur stood up and then grabbed Quackity's hands. "Quackity, I gave those orders out of a place of blind arger and denial. Please, forgive me. Please..? I- I- please, Quackity. I need you to forgive me." Wilbur begged him. There was no trace of manipulation in his voice, and no trace of manipulation in his intent. He was genuinely apologetic. "You blew up my shop after I gave you a chance at redemption. I fucking hate you." Quackity dropped Wilbur's hands. "Get the fuck out and don't come back." Wilbur started to tear up and left Quackity's office, Ranboo following behind him. "What was that about?" They asked. "Ranboo, I shouldn't have done that. I- I fucked up pretty bad." Ranboo looked up at Wilbur. "I said it was a bad idea." "I know Ranboo. I need to make it right with Quackity." Ranboo's face lit up. "Maybe you should rebuild it for him! That would show you're sorry." Wilbur thought about that for a minute. "No, I'll just go back every single day and beg for forgiveness until Quackity gets bored." Ranboo rolled their eyes. "Great Plan Boss. That'll totally work."

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