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AUGUST 15 2022


"You look hot." Matt comments, grabbing my hand and twirling me.

"We're just a hot couple." I giggle, crashing into his arms.

"Jokes aside, you look very beautiful." he whispers, kissing the top of my head.

"Did you know that literally every time you say shit like that or do something like that, my stomach goes insane." I state, "That's the point." he replies.

I take one slow look at him.

He had black dressy type pants on and had a white long sleeve button up tucked into it. His sleeves were rolled up a bit and he had all of the top buttons unbuttoned and I'd be lying if he didn't look hot as hell.

"You're staring." he whispers, "How could I not? You look hot." I reply.

"Damn." he mutters.

HER OUTIFT (if u don't like find another one) ^^

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HER OUTIFT (if u don't like find another one) ^^

Maya and Devin just had their newly weds dance and it was time for all of the couples to dance.

"Ella will you have this dance with me?" Matt asks, "No." I giggle.

"What?" he asks, his jaw dropped and hands to his side.

"I'm kidding, I'd love to dance with you." I state, getting up and dragging him to where everyone was dancing.

Sweet Creature by Harry Styles was playing, by my request to Maya.

As I danced with Matt, Maya danced with Devin. We made eye contact and she winked at me.

I just lightly laughed and smiled into Matt's chest.

"I'm gonna be honest, I'm glad you had that dream." Matt whispers, "Why?" I ask.

"Because I know damn well I wouldn't have reached out to you. I didn't even know who you were and then I would be a single, lonely man, Ella-less." he answers, "Oh well in that case, I'm glad I had the dream too." I agree.

"I love you Ella."

"I love you too Matt."


AUGUST 16 2022

"KINSLEY FUCKING ELLA AMBROSE WHAT IS THIS?" I hear Nick shout as he storms into Matt's room where me and Matt were.

"What's what?" I ask him, Nick shows me his phone which had my scheduled Instagram post that said my album was out now.

"OH SHIT! I forgot about that." I reply, scrambling around to get my phone.

"You did say you did music." Matt says, "It slipped my mind." I reply, pulling up Instagram.

"Well you know now we have to blast your music all of the time." Nick says, "No no no. No you don't." I reply, "Yes we do." Matt says.

"No. I strongly disagree with that statement." I object, "Too bad, 2 over 1- actually. CHRIS SHOULD WE BLAST ELLA'S MUSIC?" Nick asks Chris.

"ELLA MAKES MUSIC?" I hear him ask as he runs to Matt's room.

"Yep her album came out today." Matt answers, "Oh congratulations Ella." Chris replies, hugging me.

"Thanks." I reply.

"And yes we should blast her music." Chris tells Nick.

"K, let me go get the speaker." Nick says, running out of Matt's room to grab the speaker.

"I'm breaking up with you if you blast all of my songs." I tell Matt, his eyes widening at this.

"No." he replies softly.

( yk like how he did when chris said he would film his feet )

"Then don't blast my music." I say, "Why not?" he asks, "Because that's awkward and weird, especially since I've never sang in front of you guys." I answer.

"Ella I've heard you in the shower." he states.

"Still." I reply as Nick comes in with the speaker.

"Ok so which song should we play first?" Nick asks, "I'll let each of you guys pick 1 song." I answer.

"Fine but I'm listening to them all tonight." Nick replies.

"OO I CALL PICKING FIRST!" Chris calls, grabbing the phone from Nick's hand.

"Baby  blue?! That's like my favorite color!" Chris exclaims, "I know." I nod.

"I'm playing that." he states, clicking on the song.

"Ha that's funny how you said 'you got me breakin rules' cause you're like a rule breaker." Chris laughs, "Wait shut up, I want to listen." Nick hushes him.

"Is this about Matt?" he asks, "I'm gonna be honest, half of these songs are about Matt." I answer.

"Ha stay mad." Matt says to his brothers.

"There better be a song about me." Nick says, "Oops." I shrug.

Next Nick picked Loverboy.

"I know you did not make a song called Loverboy." Matt says, "I did." I smiled.

"Ok you have to admit, it's good." Chris says to him, "It is kinda good." Matt admits.

"Thank you Chris. I'll be sure to support you when you choose to do music." I say, "What?! I said it was good!" Matt exclaims.

"You said it was kinda good." I correct, "Ella that was the best song I've ever heard. Is that better?" he asks, "Very." I answer, pecking his lips.


"Oh my God guys shut the hell up." I groan, "Then don't kiss in front of us." Chris replies.

"Yeah. Keep. The. PDA. To a mi-ni-mum." Nick says clapping his hands at every word.

I just roll my eyes and so does Matt.

KIERA SPEAKS: this chapter is duck shit but whatever I did make a playlist tho of her album I'll put it in the comments ig so yeah :)

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