My princess <3

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Kumi's POV:
  I'm on the bed watching TikTok when my boyfriend starts raging at his game. "Oh my fucking god" I hear him shout and he bangs his hands on his desk, I turn to his direction, lifting an eyebrow. "Come here." I say, putting my phone down and opening my arms. Kit gets up and comes in to cuddle me with his neck in my breasts. I start to play with his hair to calm him down, like I always do every time he's upset. "What would I do without you, my princess?" He says. "You would probably be in jail because of your little anger issues." I giggled. he gives a light chuckle and I smile. I look down at him and give him a kiss on his forehead, he opens his eyes and turns his face towards me. He smiles at me and kisses my lips softly.


KIT X KUMI OMG AYYAYAYAYAYAKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat