A Full Moon

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(Some sexual tension but nothing happens. Mention of self harm. Mostly fluff)

You hide in the play sets. Your breathing is heavy. You crawl your way to one of the plastic tunnels built onto the play set. You hear gears turning and shifting and chuckling near you. You cover your mouth, hoping your breathing is muffled by your small hands. You have to hide and stay hidden. 

Suddenly, he pounces on you, grabbing your hips and opens his mouth, which weirdly you can feel him breathing down your neck. A cold sweat runs down your spine. 

"Fooooound yoooouu~" He breathes down your neck

You're playing Hide and Seek with Moon. You're having a play date with Moon now. 

Before all this, Sunny had explained he and Moon would like to prove their love for you by 'taking you out' on innocent play dates. Of course, you don't leave the daycare. Nothing gets romantically  involved unless you're okay with it. It reminds you of what Liam had said before that incident, but you trust them. 

They said they want to each take you on five play dates, that equals ten of them. You've already had your first one with Sunny and now you're having your first one with Moon. They said after all ten dates, they would give you something 'special'. Five dates and then a bonus one reminds you of a game that was for the adult audience. (HuniePop reference lmaooo) 

"Ugh! You found me!" You say in a fake disappointment tone. 

"It's not my fault you're loud."

"You're just programmed to hear well. It's not fair." 

He lets go of your hips and helps you up to where you can sit properly. "May we do something else? We've been at Hide and Seek for an hour now." 

Moon grabs your hand and helps you out with getting out of the hellish playground. "Whatever you desire, twilight."

"Kinky." You joke. 

"Uuugh. You knew what I meant.." Moon says with disappointment in his voice.

You both exit the playground by going down one of the slides, sitting between Moon's legs. You get up and wipe your legs and bottom off from any lint that could've possibly stuck itself onto you. 

You go ahead and sit on one of the blocks that are used to make those towers. Moon settles down on the padded ground. "Do you just want to communicate?" Moon asks you. 

"Sure," you reply. 

Moon shuffles himself on the ground and lays down. He's quiet for a moment before he says, "I saw these scars on your arms." 

You feel your heart in your throat. "H-Huh?"

"What are they from? I've noticed them for awhile now, I just haven't known what to say."

You feel sweat drip off of your face. You weren't expecting this kind of conversation tonight. You don't wanna tell him the truth but you don't wanna lie. You choose on telling him. He probably knows anyway. He just wants you to talk to him about it. "I...I did it myself." 

Moon is sitting up now. "Why?" 

"I-It's not really something I like talking about." You explain to him

Moon gives you a kind smile, "You can trust us. We won't tell a soul. We just want to make sure you're okay." 

You breathe a shaky sigh and look him into the eyes. 

You explain every detail you need to Moon, and supposedly Sunny. While doing this, Moon gives you worried and concerned looks. He also holds your hand and gently rubs it while you spill your guts out to him.  You feel a warm feeling overcome you. 

After you finish explaining, you sigh deeply, feeling a weight float off of your shoulders. He smiles at you lightly. "Thanks for telling us" 

"No problem." You say. 

He takes your hand and spreads out your scarred arm(s) and looks at the lines. He begins to trace one of them with your thumb. You cringe lightly. Moon then looks up into your eyes with a poker face. 

Next thing you know, he's kissing each scar, peppering them with love. You feel your eyes widen and face heat up suddenly. You weren't expecting this kind of attention (not that you mind). He kisses the last one and then looks up at you with a smile. "Like the kids say, 'Can you kiss my boo-boo's'? I thought I'd do it so you didn't have to ask. I can see that desperation in your eyes for loving attention. You don't get it anywhere else." 

Uh oh

You shrug it off and assume that as an innocent comment. 

You feel the heat on your face spread to your neck. Moon let's go of your hand and has this grin on his face. It's like the grin is saying "Everything will be okay". 

You climb down off the blocks and join Moon on the ground. You sit yourself into a ball. You feel flustered. Moon wraps his arm around you and asks, "You want to take a nap?"

All you can do is nod. He giggles lightly and then pulls you closer, letting you lean on him. He begins to hum a familiar tune from the song 'I Don't Want to Set the World on Fire' by The Ink Spots. It's an old song, but you like it. 

After a few minutes, you feel yourself slip off into the comfortable blackness of sleep. Your dreams guide you thoroughly. 

(896 words) 

Wow guys, thanks for 2k reads and 70 votes! I never knew I'd go this far. Thank you so much. 

School is starting up soon for me this Wensday (ignore my spelling please), so I won't be able to post much. But, I will try to get another chapter in before then. 

Thank you so so so much for reading. 

Theodore <3

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