telling everyone else

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AMAB, for anyone who doesn't already know, means assigned male at birth. I just thought I should include that because that term is used in this chapter and I don't know if anyone reading may be unfamiliar with it. <3

This chapter was written significantly after the other two. I hadn't originally planned on writing a third chapter at all, but, here we are. I feel like it's important to note that I got completely and entirely sidetracked at some points and I massively apologize for that filler. Hopefully, it makes this chapter just the slightest bit more entertaining.


"How about this," Dream began, pulling Tommy's hand away from where it was picking at his nails, "How about we both come out together?"

Tommy's head snapped up and he looked at Dream with a twinge of bewilderment, "Wait- really?"

"Yeah, why not?"


About a week after Tommy discovered he was transgender, he decided he was ready to come out. He was comfortable with his identity and was also confident that his family and friends would accept him. That fact doesn't make it any easier though.

The morning after their outing, Dream helped cut his hair shorter, turning it into a more 'boyish' cut. Philza was a bit surprised when Tommy arrived home later that day, but ruffled his hair and shrugged it off. If he noticed the new shirt he didn't say anything about it.

Tommy hadn't used any of the things Dream bought him, only cycling through the shirts. When they went to Marshalls, they didn't actually get any bottoms, but they did buy a blue sweater, so it wasn't a complete waste. He was kind of afraid that other people would be able to tell the difference and find out before he was ready to tell them.

So now, the same trio, Ranboo, Tommy, and Dream, are sitting in Ranboo's room, just like last time, all sitting on the bed. "So, you're sure you want to do this?" Dream asked, "You're sure you're ready?"

Tommy shrugged, hesitating, "Yeah, pretty sure." The more the topic came up the more he had tried to dance around it. Obviously, that wouldn't work forever so he figured might as well get it over with. Besides, he was getting tired of being deadnamed and misgendered constantly.

"Good! That's good." Ranboo nodded, offering his own support. They understood how stressful it can be, even if you're guaranteed support, it doesn't make it any easier. An irrational fear if you will.

They sat in silence for an awkward moment, the only sound being that of Ranboo's fan, which had a red string hung around one of the blades. They hung it up there with a stuffed animal attached, but the knot quickly came undone after turning the fan on and it hit a wall, dropping pathetically to the floor.

Tommy spent the next few seconds surveying Ranboo's room. The little things, like holes in the walls from pins, little drawings, or dents on some of their furniture. He could probably name the dates half of those markings appeared. "I have a question, Dream."

Dream tilted his head, "Oh, uh, yes?" He nervously prompted Tommy to continue.

"How come you never came out to everybody?" Tommy asked. He just recently found out that Dream, who he's known for 8 years, is transgender. He found it kind of strange how he never told anyone.

Dream's mouth formed an 'o' shape, though he wasn't surprised by the question, "I don't know, I never felt the need to." He explained with a shrug, "I mean, I'm very proud of my identity and all, but everybody already knows me as a boy."

Tommy hummed, staring at his feet, "I guess that makes sense." He mumbled.

"I don't owe it to anyone to explain that I used to be a girl." Dream continued, "In your case, it's different because they don't know."

tommy transes his gender- transgender tommyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant