dream being a supportive pseudo brother

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(Btw, this isn't meant to be shipping Dream and George! He was just flustered by the comment. (This will make a lot more sense when you get to that part.)

"What- it's like 11:00 pm?" Tommy tried, for once, to be the reasonable one. It was dark out and he didn't know if there were even any stores open right now.

"Yeah, and when we leave it'll be 'like' 11:05 pm"




"Sorry, sorry, I didn't mean to eavesdrop" Dream raised his hands in surrender while he blatantly lied to their faces. He was walking by and just so happened to hear their conversation and then made the executive decision to stand with his ear to the door. He wasn't being invasive, he was just curious.

And even though curiosity killed the cat, satisfaction brought it back. Dream lived by that statement. Or at least, he always said he did to get people off his back when he became a bit too pushy about, well, anything. He always knew when to back off though, so it never became a real problem.

"You totally did, didn't you?" Alas, Ranboo knew him too well. Or maybe it's just the fact that they didn't need to know that when someone says 'I didn't mean to eavesdrop' they are almost always lying. Either way, it'd be best not to lie to the two freshmen in front of him. Plus he felt that Tommy(?) deserved to know the truth. Or maybe it was just the worried look on the poor kid's face.

"Oh yeah, totally." Dream hadn't intended to hear such a personal conversation but he couldn't help it. What can he say, he's a nosey person. He also hadn't intended his response to sound so blunt. Probably wasn't the most reassuring tone he could've used but oh well. It's too late now.

"So... you heard all that?" He sounded worried like he was afraid of, what he could only assume is, rejection. Dream understands and wishes he could take away whatever negative thoughts he most likely had swarming his head.

"Yeah, sorry Toms." Dream used a shortened version of the name he heard through the door. He hoped it would make him feel more comfortable with his new name, having a nickname. Dream saw the apprehensive look on Tommy's face and worried he misheard. "That's right... right? Tommy?"

"Uhm, yeah, it is." Tommy said, avoiding eye contact with the older blond. Dream was a good guy, always nice and very open, easy to talk to, but hell if he wasn't intimidating. Even if he never tried to be, a mask usually covered half of his face, making it hard to see what he was really feeling.

He knew both Dream and Ranboo struggled with facial dysphoria and that's why they both, more often than not, wore masks. He was there when Dream drew on that crude smiley face in an attempt to make it appear less scary but his eyebrows, which seemed to always rest in a slightly furrowed position, and his eyes, always looking as though they were squinting in judgment, outweighed the goofy smile.

Tommy knows Dream has always felt bad about how mean he looks with his mask on and always did his best to be welcoming despite that. Usually, if you spoke with him for longer than a minute the scary factor faded. Tommy found that ironic considering the longer you know him the more likely you are to be subject to his harsh cuddle attacks. Horrifying, truly. Especially when he starts tickling. He's shivering in fear just thinking about it.

"Cool!" Dream walked over to the bed, falling into a sitting position next to him "I think Tommy fits you well."

"Right?" Ranboo easily agreed, "Much more than Clementine."

"Wait- can I still call you orange?" Dream had called Tommy orange ever since they met. Tommy, for the longest time, had thought that a clementine and an orange were the same things. They were not. Dream was the one who told him that, but he had called him orange ever since he found out about his misunderstanding of citrus fruits. He wasn't sure if Tommy would be comfortable being called a nickname that was directly associated with his dead name.

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