🌠 Chapter One 🌠

Start from the beginning

"What about it?" Melantha asked, now a bit tense. "Does it require a budget approved as well? That research is very important to many of our kind, especially after the war. Please send Mr. Brownrigg in to discuss any issues regarding it –"

"Mr. Brownrigg has resigned from the research," Mr. Appleton told her, and Melantha stopped, her palms flat on the surface of the desk as she stared at him. "Given his ailing health, the death of your father and stress of the research, it is unfeasible for him to continue. Last week, as per your new law, he was evaluated psychologically and is unable to continue to work on the research,"

Silence descended upon dully-lit room and Melantha fell back into her seat, letting out a sigh that filled the room. She tried to make sense of the situation as it was too valuable and important to let go of all the hard work that her brother, her sister-in-law and Mr. Brownrigg had done.

"Is there no way for the research to continue?" Melantha asked finally.

"It may have been two years since You-Know-Who's defeat, and you may have established new laws for werewolves but the public sentiment hasn't changed about them," Mr. Appleton told her. "It's hard to find jobs that would want to hire werewolves given their week-long absences –"

"Sounds about the same issue two centuries ago with women and their menstruation," Melantha muttered coldly and Mr. Appleton's cheeks turned pink.

"– and it's even harder to find people who want to work with werewolves," Mr. Appleton continued hastily. "I have not met a single person who wants to go into that office and go through the dust. I was hoping that you would be able to do something about it because if we don't get a solution to this by the end of the week, I'm afraid that the research will be archived and the office leased out,"

"There's no need for you to go that far," Melantha said as she stood up from her seat, her body tense as she turned away from Mr. Appleton. "I'll handle the office. I've got my Healer's license. I'll renew it, too, and I'll handle the research until I find someone to fill in,"

None of her friends were happy to hear about what Melantha had put her name down to.

"Are you sure you want to do this, Mel?" Hermione asked as she watched the younger girl take a long sip of her bitter coffee. "You've already got so much to work on... and to be a researcher..."

"Hermione's right," Harry added quickly. "There's a lot going on with you at the Ministry, it's only going to make it more difficult on you if you also start at researching,"

"It's my brother's work," Melantha responded, frowning as she set her cup down onto the table. "It means a lot to me, to my brother and his family, and especially to Uncle Remus,"

Melantha was related to the late Remus Lupin through her maternal side as her mother had been Remus's older sister. And as such, Melantha and her brother had been grown up with the knowledge of the heartbreak that Lycanthropy brought to a family, and they had also known the brief relief they had gotten when the Wolfsbane Potion was created in the late 1980s.

And both Melantha and her brother

wanted to make that relief permanent.

And it was so, that night, Melantha left the Ministry of Magic building to head toward the St. Mungo's to have a look at her brother old research centre, which was situated on the lonesome sixth-floor. It was something that her brother had invested in regarding treatment for All Magical Creatures, including goblins, centaurs, merpeople, house-eves, vampires, veela, hags, etc.

Before her brother had joined St. Mungo's, there had not being any station at the biggest hospital that specified with the research and specialised treatment for the Magical Creatures. And after his loss, it was a very hard position to filled by his student Healers.

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