🌠 Chapter One 🌠

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Melantha Belladonna Washington considered herself a fairly normal person. She had been a popular and a star student at Hogwarts, whether it came to Quidditch or studies but she was even more admired once she had left the school – she took a job at the Ministry's Department of Magical Law Enforcement, taking a seat at the Wizengamot to overlook the trials of endless Death Eater following the fall of Lord Voldemort. But even still, Melantha considered herself a normal person.

Because she was suffering through the same thing as any normal person,

no matter how little they would believe in that.

To the Wizarding World, Melantha was still part of the prestigious Washington Family. She had looked just like her father, an important Ministry official, with her wavy black hair and unnerving electric blue eyes that were hard to look away from, eyes that were supposed to read your mind, those that had broken many a men.

But it had been two years since Voldemort had been defeated, and Melantha had been right in the thick of things as she had been best friends with her fellow Gryffindors, Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. It had been long few years since the war had started, and long few year since the war had ended, yet things were harsher than ever.

Coming out of the Second Wizarding War had not been easy – Melantha had lost her father to a group of Death Eaters, and both her brother and her sister-in-law to the Battle of Hogwarts, leaving her to take care of her toddler nephew and baby cousin at only eighteen. Life had been quite tough but nothing that Melantha could not handle.

The fast-paced lifestyle of Magical Law Enforcement had been very welcome to Melantha as it provided her with distraction and before long, she had shifted toward the International Magical Office of Law in the Department of International Cooperation, and took one of the highest seats available to the British representation in the International Confederation of Wizards, youngest of her age.

Somewhere inside of her, Melantha had hoped that she would get to move out of Britain and only come by for her job at the Ministry. She felt like she needed a change, and so did her nephew and cousin, and to move into another country would've brought a good change for them. That is, until –

"Miss Washington!

Oh, how wonderful to see you!"

Melantha looked up from the paper that Hermione had sent her way in the Law Office from the Department for the Regulation & Control of Magical Creatures, as they were currently working together on the betterment of house-elves and other magical creatures found in Wizarding British.

A short, stout man that reminded Melantha awfully of Horace Slughorn scurried into her office, holding an unexpectedly bright smile on his face. It was very rare to find such a cheerful face in her voice, given the sort of things she dealt with on the regular.

"Mr. Appleton?" Melantha asked, setting down her Quill and standing up to greet the director of St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries. "Please, sit down, what brings you here?"

"Just to see you, just to see you," Mr. Appleton said as he hurried forward and took one of the two chairs in front of her desk. "There's something that I need to discuss with you,"

"Yes," Melantha replied as she sat down on her seat and folded her hands on the desk. "Does it concern St. Mungo's? Your budget for the Magical Creatures department will undergo screening soon, the Wizengamot is currently handling appeals,"

"It is about St. Mungo's, but it's about your brother," Mr. Appleton said and Melantha stopped rearranging the files on her desk. "About your brother's research in particular,"

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