🌠 Chapter Two 🌠

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Draco Lucius Malfoy considered himself lucky to be still alive – two years after Lord Voldemort's defeat. Regardless of how much trouble that him and his family had gone through. The fall from grace had been difficult – it was more so difficult when he realised the true nature of what that grace had been originated from. It, however, was especially difficult when all he had to do anymore was to lay in bed and repeat the events of the past of few years. No one wanted him at any job. No matter how small. All there could be done was to drink, and drink some more.

And it was because of that very reason that Draco found himself continuously visiting obscure bars and trying to keep himself away from the public life. He didn't have the same thick skin as his father – he didn't need to be told that he was a coward to know that he was one. He had no heart to face people. He didn't want to face people who would love to face him, now that they were out of school and he was no longer that special boy from school.

But life didn't give you whatever you wanted,

that he had learned in the hardest way possible.

It had been a fairly normal night – as soon as the sun had descended and the doors had opened, Draco had appeared in front of Hammered Hippogriff for his daily fix. He had kept away from everyone as he always did, he kept himself to the corner until he heard a group of individuals approach his solitary table.

He had hoped that they weren't anyone he knew.

Everything had been a blur. The table was kicked – they were kicked out of the bar – Draco was kicked to the curb. His head was pounding as the heat of the alcohol and the iciness of the breeze. He was not allowed to get to his feet, whether it was that alcohol or what the kicks aimed at him.

Just as quickly it had started, it ended, and Draco was on his knees, reeling from the Hex to his face when he heard someone approaching. Whoever it was, it scared the men enough to make them Apparate out of there. He looked up trying to squint at the person who was nearing toward his direction –

"Auror Washington – are you okay?

Do you need any assistance –?!"

Draco pushed himself up to his shaking legs and looked down at the person in front of her, trying to shake his hair away from his eyes to see if it really was the same person that he thought it was. He hoped that it was that person.

Under the faint, flickering light of the Hammered Hippogriff, Draco could see that it was a tall woman with dark hair but the easiest way to recognise her was by the sight of her familiar electric blue eyes dissolved in concern.

It really was Melantha Washington.

But before he could respond to her inquiry, Draco staggered on his feet and crashed right into her. He felt hands grabbing onto his arms. He expected to fall heavily to the ground but Melantha cushioned his fall by sinking along with him. He looked up at her shocked blue eyes and everything went dark.

Draco felt like he was lucky to be alive.


Melantha's night had changed all of its course – she was supposed to go to Mrs. Tonks' to pick up her boys and then head home. She was supposed to settle in her own home office and work on the Ministry files. But in the end, given that she had arrived with an injured individual to St. Mungo's and needed to fill out the right paperwork as she waited for either him to wake up or his family to come.

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