Chapter 2

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Have you ever had that feeling where you're given a task but don't know where to start? That's exactly what I felt when I landed on the distant planet, Ragea.

Agreo, the galaxy it's in, is extremely far away from ESMIRE 4. So far that, even though I was was traveling at the speed of light, it still took a week to arrive.

When I landed, I received my orders: protect the cavern from all the arid beasts. Ragea is tidally locked, which means it doesn't rotate. So the side I was on is constantly in the sun, whereas the other other side is constantly dark, so very, very cold. The middle part is the twilight zone, the cavern where all the planet's inhabitants live. Apparently, there's another protogen working on the other side of the planet.

Then, I saw a large lion like creature heading towards the cavern. I got in my large rover, that was stored in the back of my ship (the ship is litterally the size of two jumbo jets), drove right infront of the beast and sounded my horn. It started following me. Instead of turning around and attacking it, I kept on driving. As Sun Tzu once said: "Appear strong when you are weak and appear weak when you are strong." In this case, I was strong. I kept on driving until I came across a large boulder. I drove behind it, as if I was hiding. As I expected, the beast jumped on top of the boulder.  I shot the gamma guns, mounted on the rover, at the creature. It dropped dead.

I got out of the rover and examined the beast, nothing special about it apart from large horns and spines covering it's back. I pulled some of it's teeth out and used my lazer cutters to cut off a horn and spine to be sent back to ESMIRE 4 for research. I kept some of the teeth to use as payment, if I needed to buy anything in the cavern.

I hauled the specimens onto the rover, tied them up and drove back to camp.

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