Watch Me (Gabby)

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I wiped the fog from my mirror and wrapped the towel around myself. Daniel left about 45 minutes ago to get ready for Kayla's party. I opened the bathroom door and stopped in my tracks. Sitting atop my bed is Daniel dressed in all black. To say he cleaned up well was an understatement. He wore a black button-down with three buttons undone at the top. His jeans were black with matching black timberland boots. As I moved closer I saw a gold watch on his wrist lined with jade, it was beautiful and antique looking. He smelled so good it was hard to concentrate on anything else. Now almost standing beside him I realize he had earbuds in and hadn't heard me come out of the bathroom. Climbing on the bed behind him I crawl forward kissing him on his neck taking him by surprise. Daniel's eyes widen when he sees I am wearing just a towel. I kiss his lips and he immediately pulls me closer. "Do you know how beautiful you are right now?", he says while tracing a drop of water that had fallen from my hair to my shoulder making me shiver. I appreciated the hungry look he threw at me. " You look good", I replied, appraising him again. Getting up I made my way over to my closet and rifled through it before I found the black denim skirt I was looking for. I snatch a black lace tank out of my top drawer before going to my underwear. Grabbing a forest green thong and bra set I hear a sharp intake from Daniel. I smile realizing he has been watching me this entire time. "Be right back bae '', I say as I make my way into the bathroom and put my clothes on. I ran my hand through my freshly washed hair and applied moose and hair honey to give it that wavy look. I applied a little smokey eye shadow and foxy brown lipstick and mascara. I slip my feet into my black ankle boots and put on my gold hoop earrings. Finishing the look I grab my leather jacket from the closet. After I was done checking myself out I turned to Daniel who is still sitting on the end of my bed. " What do you think?"I asked him. Daniel stands and walks over to me. " You always look beautiful no matter what you wear but, damn!", he says smiling, making me laugh. " Shall we", he said, holding out his arm for me to take.

I gave Daniel directions to Kayla's house while texting Staci. " So this party is supposed to be huge", I tell him when replying to the last text Staci sends me about D.J. Shaking my head I refused to even give that shit any energy tonight. Tonight is about having fun. " What's up", Daniel asks. "Nothing it's just Staci says D.J. ask if I was coming to the party even though I cussed his ass out and basically told him I would never date him", I say annoyed. Daniel laughed and shook his head. " Damn that was a little harsh don't you think?", he asks. I cut my eyes at him. "You didn't hear what he called you, he deserved far fucking worse", I said with attitude. "For the record, I could give two fucks what color you are, your mine, and I fuck with you", I said looking him in the eyes. Daniel smirk, " I'm yours huh", he asks. Blushing I turn away from him but, refuse to back down. "Yes, your mine", I say confidently looking at him again. "Well, I guess I have to make you mine", he says as he lazily traces patterns on my thigh. I place my hand atop him when he drifted to the inside of my thigh and I started to get wet. "Your not playing fair", I said listening to my heartbeat in my ears. Daniel chuckled and shook his head. " You weren't playing fair when you put on that skirt," he says with humor in his voice. Laughing I look up to see we are already in front of Kayla's house. Daniel suits off the transmission before getting out of the car to open my door. Staci walks out of the house and down the steps as I slip out of the car. "Damn look at you guys...All black looks hot", She says while wagging her eyebrows at me. "Broccoli" by DRAM was blasting from the house. "Well don't just stand there, come on chica!", Staci says excitedly as she goes up the steps. Daniel grabs my hand and interlaces our fingers. I throw him a smile while passing some girl passing around a blunt in the front yard. " Come on boo", I said to a smiling Daniel.

When Staci throws open Kayla's front door I was amazed at the number of people who fit in there. We navigate our way through a sea of bodies in the living room/dance floor into the kitchen. Reaching the kitchen I recognize a few people I know from school. Keith the quarterback is posted with a red dixie cup talking animatedly with a girl I didn't recognize. ''Yall want a drink?", Staci threw over her shoulder. I turned to look at Daniel who was looking at me with hooded eyes. He nodded his head in agreement to the drink. " Yea what do you got? '' I asked, never taking my eyes from Daniels. He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses me. " Oh, they have a keg, soda, or if-", Staci must have turned and seen what was happening because all conversation stopped. Daniel pulled me onto the dance floor as Sabrina Claudio Confidently Lost flowed through the room. Daniel pulled me close and kissed my neck. We danced and got lost in the song. I swayed my hips as the DJ slid into Sheesh. Daniel pressed his body into mine and wrapped his arm around my waist resting his hand on my exposed stomach when Staci handed me a dixie cup. " So you know Kayla wants you to sing. I mean she asked me too but we both know she meant you", Staci says smiling lazily. I looked at her for a second and saw how red her eyes were. ''Are you a high friend?", I ask her, smirking. Staci giggled which made me snort. " Only just a little chica. Well, I ate a brownie and hit Shawn's blunt like 6 or 7 times. Ok I smoked half of it I swear but that was it'', she squealed at the end. Shaking my head I look at my friend. "Where do I go to sing", I said looking at her, she was giggling so much. "Over here", I hear Kayla yell/scream from across the living room. As I walked past Shawn I took the blunt from his hand. "Wha- Oh hey Gabby'', he says as I blow smoke in his face. "Hey Shawn", I said, smiling sweetly, taking another hit before winking at Daniel who was now on an ottoman. I weaved my way through the dancefloor over to Kayla, who was now kicking the speaker trying to get it to work. "I'm pretty sure beating the shit out it will do the opposite of what you want it to do", I said, sliding my jacket off my arms. Damn it's hot in here! Kayla smirks at me. " This fucking thing always goes out but my dumb ass brother took the good one to his frat party tonight so we stuck with this", she says pointing at the speaker. Shaking my head I bump her out of the way with my hip. After ripping wires out of the back I wrap the blue and green together and close the backup. " Try it now", I say to Kayla. "Do you have a track?", Kayla' ask me expectedly. Taking my phone out I pull up the instrumental to Coming to My Senses by Alina Baraz. "Here", I say, giving her my phone. After connecting my phone to her laptop Kayla hands me a microphone. I down the red cup that she handed me and tried to ignore the disgust when it hit the back of my throat. " Thanks, girl I owe you one", she says before taking the red cup and scurrying away. Closing my eyes I took a breath in, and when the music started my eyes snapped open and I release the breath. I searched for Daniel and spotted him now standing in the middle of the room. I smiled at him before going into the first verse. "*Head in my direction

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