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Chang mi was woken up by the noise and noticed her best friend crying. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"Why'd you let him in?" Jian asked wiping her tears.  "I couldn't just ignore..the crown prince..I'm sorry it was my fault, I won't let him come near us again. If  you don't want to see him we can travel and move away from him, I don't know how he found us.." Chang mi said.

"Never mind it's better to face it, I'm going to go out and take a walk you should stay here I'd like to be alone for a bit." Jian told chang mi.

Chang mi nodded. "Be careful and don't come back too late." She told Jian.

"I'll see you soon." Jian got her money and walked out the door.

Jian was outside and started walking around,  and the place was lively.

People were talking about a festival that would take place at the palace tonight.

She saw on the wall there was a decree posted, about the festival in honor of the marriage of the crowned prince and princess. "It's been a year since they were married, it's so annoying why do they need a stupid festival." Jian rolled her eyes.

She sighed and continued on her way.

there were people selling stuff All around and Jian could admit she was a bit hungry, so she bought two steamed buns for herself.

"How yummy! at least I can eat these and be happy." She said smiling at her steamed buns  and taking a bite out of it.

Lian song was the hostess of the brothel and since there was a big festival tonight, her girls were ordered a decree to dance for the royal family, but  they didn't have enough girls so she decided she'd ask her new best friends chang mi and Jian lou.

"I hope you and Jian wouldn't mind joining me and the girls to dance for the
Princess and prince tonight, it's a decree so we have to..but the thing is we don't have enough girls for the dance."

"So I need your help this time if you would help me out, I also know your good at embroidery so I hope you wouldn't mind making the dresses, and getting accessories for the girls! It has to be special for the night, everything has to be perfect." Lian song told chang mi.

" I wouldn't mind helping you out, in fact I'd love to help you with the dresses and accessories I just don't know about dancing it's not that I can't dance with you and the girls, i'm just not sure if Jian would agree to it." Chang mi knew that since Jian was already associated with the palace and the prince once before, she might not want to go back to the palace even if it's just to dance.

" well why don't you ask her you don't know for sure if she'd say no, besides I wouldn't be asking you if it wasn't urgent. I already tried to find other girls but nobody was interested. it's a very serious job if any girl messes up we all could be punished. the king is very strict and people are afraid of him. So it's hard to find girls.. and I know this job wouldn't be easy that's why I had to come to you."

" all right fine I'll ask her but if she says no I'm afraid I can't help you.. I can only help with the dresses and accessories though."Chang mi said.

"That's nice of you thank you, I'll repay you next time." Lian song said smiling.

Chang mi decided to start making the dresses and getting the accessories ready for the girls tonight. 'She might not say yes but it's worth it to at least ask, this job of course isn't easy like lian song said but..I feel bad because they need more girls for their dance tonight..I mean what will happen if they can't find girls..then it would be trouble!' Chang Mi thought to herself.

She was also going to make a beautiful  red dress  for her best friend to wear, "just you wait my friend I'm going to make you the beautifulest dress and you will look most beautiful among all girls dancing!"

Even though she wasn't sure if Jian would say yes, she wanted to make her best friend  an outstanding dress because she would think of her best friend as the main dancer.

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