Fake Friends part 6

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Next morning, Jimmy and Ryan were having breakfast. Porsha was still in bed, the bullying had really got her down lately. She handnt ate for day's.

Ryan looked at Jimmy, worried. "Porsha has not had anything to eat in days, I'm worried about her." Ryan muttered.

"I know, I know!" Sighed Jimmy. "She needs to eat!" He let out a few tears. "Why are they doing this to her?"

"I don't know Jimmy! I wish I did!" Ryan murmured feeling guilty. He felt responsible for what his sister had done. "Maybe if I talk to her she'll stop!"

"Yeah maybe...." Jimmy murmured, thinking in his head: "no way in hell!"

Ryan stood up. "I've finished eating, I'm going to the mall to find Rachel, you coming?" He asked.

Jimmy shook his head. "No, I'm gonna try and get Porsha to have something to eat!" Jimmy replied.

"Okay ill see you later!" Ryan smiled.

Jimmy smiled back and Ryan left. Then Jimmy went upstairs to his daughters room.

"Hey Porsha? Can I come in?" Jimmy cried through the door. All he heard was a muffled groan from inside her room. He guessed that meant yes. He pushed open her bedroom door and went inside his daughters bedroom.

Porsha was lying in bed, covers drawn up to her chin. Tears were sliding silently down her cheeks. Jimmy immediately went to give her a hug. He lay down on her bed next to her and put his arms around her. She sobbed.

"Shh!" Jimmy murmured. "Its alright Porsha, why not try having something to eat?" He suggested.

Porsha tried to control herself. "No thanks daddy I don't feel well!" She whimpered.

Jimmy's eyebrows shot up, he knew she was lying. "Please Porsha, you've not had anything to eat in days, I'm so worried about you sweetheart!" Jimmy implored. Porsha didn't answer him. "You do know that your not fat right?" Jimmy rattled on.

"Really? You sure daddy?" Porsha muttered. Jimmy frowned and gave a rapid nod.

"Of course I'm sure! Your not fat, they just said that to get you down, I promise you that your not fat! Your anything but!" Jimmy assured her, running his paws down her back gently. Porsha actually smiled at his touch.

"Thanks Daddy!" Porsha cried.

"No worries Baby, how about we go the mall?" Jimmy asked.

"But what if Rachel is there?" Porsha demanded.

"So what? What can she do?" Jimmy demanded. He cocked his head. "I know I'll invite Ludwig and Bowser to come too! How about that?" Jimmy asked. (I know they haven't been in my storys for a while sorry guys!)

"Alright, sounds good!" Porsha agreed.

"Yay!" Jimmy squealed. "Why don't you eat something first?" He tried again.

"Alright." Porsha muttered. Jimmy smiled in relief and they went downstairs. Porsha had some breakfast, then they went to the mall to meet Ludwig and Bowser.


Meanwhile, Rachel and her friends were walking through the mall.

"Rachel what do we do?" Kira asked.

"Yeah Jimmy can't get away with attacking us like that!" Jill added.

"Oh don't worry he won't, we'll make him pay for that!" Rachel laughed meanly.

"What you gonna do?" Diane cried. Rachel just smiled evilly. Diane shivered, then she remembered what Jimmy had told her. Maybe she should leave Rachel and her gang. But first she needed to figure out what Rachel was up too....


After a long while of searching, Ryan finally saw Rachel. She was laughing with her friends. Ryan went over.

"Ugh what do you want?" Rachel demanded.

"I want you to stop bullying Porsha!" Ryan informed her.

"And why should I do that?" Rachel demanded.

"Cuz your really upsetting her, and Jimmy!" Ryan told her.

"Oh I don't care.... anyway Jimmy needs a lesson taught to him for attacking us all like that?" Rachel giggled with a nasty grin. It was then Ryan noticed it, stiking out of Rachel's handbag, was a gun. A deadly, fully loaded gun. Ryan's insides went cold.

"Rache whyve you got a gun?" Ryan whimpered. Diane gasped her eyes going wide.

"Oh no reason, just protection you know?" Rachel said scathingly.

Ryan's eyebrows shot up. He edged away, suddenly feeling afraid. Where had Rachel got that gun from? Who was she working with? But before he could could any of those questions, Rachel laughed and walked away. Her friends all laughed and followed even Diane. Ryan headed back to Jimmy's house, not knowing they'd gone to the mall to meet Ludwig and Bowser. He had to warn them that Rachel had a gun. Would she use it on Jimmy? Ryan hoped not. He ran back to the house.

"Porsha! Jimmy!" Ryan yelled, running around the house. But there was no sign of them.

"Porsha!" Ryan yelled again. "Jimmy!" The house was silent. They must have gone out. Ryan slumped again the wall feeling hopeless. Porsha and Jimmy were in terrible danger. Ryan didn't know what to do.

Rachel's plan was only just beginning....

A/n: it's here!!!! Sorry guys it took so long and it's shorter then my other ones, I've just been going thigh a real hard time lately but I feel better now so I'll be on wattpad and be writing my storys again! Hope you guys enjoyed reading! Bye 👋 part 7 coming soon! 😊🐺💗

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