New Visitor

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(A/N there's some sexual tension in this one between Maisy and Jimmy)

"Come on Maisy please!" Porsha let out a low whimper.

Since Maisys arrival at Redshore city a few months ago, she had found company with a daughter of one of the richest moguls in the city. Unexpectedly of course. Nighttime was Maisys favorite part of the day in town, to meander through the town and enjoy the array of lights and different people that walk the streets. City streets kept her awake at night.

The city was abundant under the brilliance of the moon and the lights.

"Maisy if you ask, I'm sure he'll say yes, you're right here Maisy just help me on this please" Porsha pleaded.

Maisy walked by Porsha, still having a dreamy look on her face due to the city yet a small worrisome look on her face to Porshas begging. "How do you know that? How do you know he'll say yes?" Porsha draped her arm on her neck heavily. "Oh come on, if he let you be my friend I'm sure he trusts you enough, and besides, I really, really, REALLY wanna go to this party, but it's late at night that's why he's not letting me go" she grumbled in annoyance and muttered some words under her breath only she could hear


"REALLY?!, oh Maisy you're a lifesaver, I don't even wanna think about what would have happened if you never got here Maisy!" Porhsa linked her arms with Maisys, her legs keeping Maisy on pace with her. Maisy looked at her and smiled. To be honest, she didn't know what you were gonna do, sure Maisy think Jimmy trusted her, but that's only going on based on Porsha's words. Maisy let those thoughts fill the back of her head, she pushed them aside and trusted her gut.

Maisy and Porsha walked with linked arms through the heavy doors of the five-star hotel, giggling about whatnot. Porsha sighed and looked at Maisy, Maisy promised her she would.

"Maisy are you gonna tell him tonight?" She looked at Maisys blue eyes, something piqued her curiosity and interest about how she were going to break it to him, but she let those thoughts slide away for all she wanted was to go to that party she dreamed of.

Maisy walked into that elevator alone, Porsha looking at her giving her two hearty thumbs up with a toothy grin. Maisy forced herself to smile a bit, nervousness pushed aside her pressed the elevator button to the highest floor.

As she walked she suddenly found herslef thinking of Jimmy. Jimmy with his soft white fur and gorgeous icy big blue eyes. Maisy shook herslef. "Stop thinking about about that wolf Maisy!" She told herself firmly.

Once arrived, the elevator door slid open, revealing a beautiful blue marble design, and even more magnificent gold door that stood at the end. Maisy walked through that hall, giving herself words of confidence. Slowly tracing the ground with her feet. Jerry looked at her and smiled, and hastily got back to his work.

Maisy arrived at the door, good reflections of her eyes mesmerized by the design and shapes of which the door accompanied. Maisy were surprise and in awe of how someone can master this craft. Maisy snapped back to what she were doing when she looked at her reflection on the sleek blue ground still standing.

Maisy knocked three times. Suki opened the door and gave a look of surprise, Maisy feel like she had given her such a headache by now.


"What are you doing here in this time? You do realize Jimmy doesn't allow entry at this moment"

"Su- suki please it's for Porsha, about Porsha "

Maisy smiled faintly, but Suki could still sense the worry in Maisys eyes.

Without a warning, Suki announced Maisys presence. "Sir, Maisy is at the door, she says it's something about Por-"

"Let her in"

Suki opened the door and let Maisy in, she closed the door behind her, but before she did she have a look back...

"Sir.. I, well listen this is about Porsha, about you allowing Porsha to go to that party...?" Maisy were still standing close to the entrance of the door, not daring to step any further.

His back was to Maisy, giving her time to walk through and sit on the chair infront of his desk, but she didn't.

He turned around and sat on his chair, giving Maisy a look back to finish continuing what she were saying. "Go on"

"Sir, this really is important for her and it would really make her happy if she went.

"No, for the last time no." He grumbled in his chair. "Why don't you come sit here so we can talk like normal people, huh?"

"Ah, yes, yes of course." Maisy settled into the teal chair adorned with gold decorative designs. The big marble table infront of Her did not help ease your distance between him, as big as it was.

"But why sir? I'm sure she'll thank you if you let her go..?" Maisy crossed her legs.

"Listen, I know she sent you over here to discuss this with me but it's not gonna work, my word go through, not hers, you got that?" His icy blue eyes staring at Maisys face change in exasperation. Maisy couldn't help but admire them though.

Maisy sat there waiting for him to say anything but nothing was said.

Maisy got up from your chair and patted her thighs as if there was any dirt on them. Maisy didn't know where this courage was coming from. Approaching him behind his desk. He looked at Maisy with ears perked up.

Maisy gave a hearty pat to his shoulders and made her way to his lap carelessly.

"What's the meaning of this?" Jimmy demanded. His eyes were shooting daggers to Maisy, they were both adjusting there bodies to the new position they both found themselves in.

"Shhh.." Maisy put her finger over his mouth.

"Oh you've been so stressed lately, look at how much fur you're shedding." Maisy let out a low giggle. She didn't feel his paw tracing the side of her waist slowly, until she suddenly felt a pull towards him.

His paws smoothed across Maisys back, she were eye to eye with him. Maisys blue orbs mesmerizing him. The proximity between them two was foreign.

Maisys index finger tracing small rings atop his head, her other hand petting the left side of his face. She locked eyes with him again

"Now imagine you free from the stress of Porsha for a night, wouldn't that be nice? She adjusted your hips to his.

"Is this what it's all about?" Jimmy chuckled.

"No no, of course not, well I mean yes" Maisy peppered kisses along his mouth, merely coaxing her into lifting her chin, the way he pressed himself against her while pawing his way to her thigh. Maisy felt the presence of another paw on her chest. Now that she noticed it, his tail was wagging.

Maisy stopped midway and Jimmy gave her a look of confusion and wanting for her to continue. She looked at him knowing exactly what she wanted to hear.

"She can go."

(A/n: short but sweet 💖🥰)

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