"Do I have to gag you?" the voice said, The team watched the screen as foot steps were getting closer to Celeste.

"So that, it actually transmitting to your precious BAU team as we speak" Colin said at he walked behind Celeste and wrapped his hand around her neck and putting pressure, the man was in full view now, Hotch looked at Dave.

"Is that Cortez?" he asked, Dave gave him a single nod as he was still looking at the screen.

"Say hi Celeste" he said with his face close to hers. she was gasping for air, he let her go with a push that sent her head back, she started coughing.

"Colin...why are you doing this"

"I wasn't finished with you, Here I was getting home after my three days conference thinking that I was coming home to a obediant fiancé, but to my surpise I walked into my house with cops waiting for me" he let out.

"I figured it was Octavia that got to you before I got back, that bitch never knew how to mind her own buisness. but at the end she got what she deserved"

"You bastard!" Celeste let out, Colin let out a evil chuckle.

"What? you didn't like the work of art he did with his canvast, I showed Ryan exactly where to hit, it's unfortunate that he got caught" he let out as he walked to a big duffle bag that was on the floor a few feet away from her, she watched as he bend down and got something out from the bag.

"Your the one that hired Mallory, to kill those girls" Celeste spat out. Colin stood up and turned towards Celeste again.

"I knew that bringing him into play would bring so many bad memories for you, throw you off your game a bit" he said with a smile as he held out a ball gag, Celeste's eyes widen as he walked towards her.

"No, no I'll stop screaming, you don't have to put that on" she said. Colin let out a chuckle.

"There was a time you enjoyed wearing this" he let out, Celeste's stomach turned as he force the red ball in her mouth and fasten the straps in the back of her head.

"I want to show them that I can break you, that your not as strong as you make them believe you are" he said as he Grabbed her hair and pulled her head back making her hiss. Colin planted a kiss on her temple.

"Get comfortable were only getting started...Little girl" Celeste took a breath in at the pet name that Aaron uses for her.

Hotch was standing facing the monitor with his arms crossed over his chest and watching Celeste as her eyes had got big by Colin's comment, they watched as the kidnapper let out a laugh as he made his way out of the room.

"I have a meeting, but keep me posted" Strauss said looking at Hotch who just gave her a nod. Hotch managed to take his eyes off Celeste to turn around and look at his team.

"Reid take JJ and got to the prison where Cortez was, to see if they have any info on where he woul be" both of them got up got up and left.

"Morgan take Prentiss and go talk to the florist" he let out as he started walking out of the conference room.

"Garcia keep working on finding his location, Dave with me" he said. Rossi fallowed his friend without saying a word. Both of them walked in Hotch's office, Dave closed the door and watched as Aaron started pacing the office.

"he's been watching us" Aaron said almost in a whisper, Dave looked at him.

"What do you mean?" Aaron stopped and looked at Dave for a moment, not quiet sure if he should be having this conversation with him or not.

"Cortez has been watching me and Celeste, and very closely I would say" Dave raised an eyebrow at his friend.

"How do you know?" Aaron looked at Dave, but then broke eye contact.

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