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Everyone was in the room. Everyone out of the wheel. The triangle in the middle of circle. Just like in the journal. One by one. Holding their hands. "Everybody do what I say!" The author yelled, not losing sight of the demon. "Don't loose the grip." Author continued, the same author boy with pinetree on his hat was looking for all summer."Be confident in what you're doing! Otherwise it'll be end of you." Everyone followed the command. With frightened, but confident faces they faced the demon. All except for little pinetree. He felt betrayed. His own sister trused man, that they didn't even know if was their grunkle or relative. The same man that would start the apocalypse only to get his brother back. Dipper was lost in his thoughts, unable to pay attention of what was his grandpa saying. He just couldn't. And he knew it would more bad than good, but he needed to rethink. Was it worth it? Would he even trust his sister after that? What if it failed? Thoughts filled his head, as Bill spoke. "Aw, thanks for throwin me a party like that! Goodbye party, if I am right?" Nobody spoke."Hey! It's not a funeral at least! Hahahaha...." Room was now filled with echoic laughter. "And everyone is in order just as in the book. Even the wooden puppet came! How nice of you Pinetree!" Dipper lifted his head. He could feel the shiver down his spine.
'Oh no.' He though 'this isn't going to be nice'

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