Chapter 1- The incident

Start from the beginning

"Haha! You were, oh you stupid mackerel. You should really get back to work or else Kunikida will-" Chuuya instantly stopped laughing, his smirk vanishing with the appearance of a new found concern at the noise of a sudden explosion. Without hesitation, the redhead turned on his heels in the direction of the noise and became quite startled by the sight he saw. Shockingly, there was no sign of any explosion, no rubble,no shrapnel nor fire, only a big wall of smoke which , as it dissipated, revealed a small teenager, but this wasn't any old child but in fact the one and only Ryūnosuke Akutagawa, currently as his fourteen year old self.

"Dazai i'm going to have to call you back later. A more pressing matter has arisen." Chuuya apologised as he quickly ended the call, not giving his husband a chance to ask any questions, because what was he meant to say, he was just as confused as everyone else.

What in hell's name had just happened? One moment Akutagawa was just fine, helping the black lizard's with the hostages and targets perfectly, then suddenly a huge explosion occurs and now Akutagawa is standing there, visibly six years younger. How the fuck did that happen? The only answer of course was an ability, but they had everyone under close inspection, so when did the assailant get a chance to attack? Plus, last time Chuuya checked, no one here had an age related ability so this whole situation shouldn't even be possible. The whole occurrence was confusing Chuuya out the more he thought about it, it was utterly incomprehensible, and as he looked around at everyone else, it all seemed like they felt the same. They were all in this boat of confusion together. The one person who was most confused out of them all was of course Akutagawa himself. He was staring out at his surroundings utterly lost, last he recalled he was with his sister and now he was here and he had no idea where here was. Speaking of his sister, where was she? Akutagawa looked round frantically at all the faces and as more and more didn't show his sister, his heartbeat started to race faster and he soon became much more nervous and frantic then before.

"Where's my sister? Where is Gin?" Akutagawa screamed out, his voice full of panic. He was in an unknown situation where his lack of knowledge easily put him at a disadvantage and he hated every bit of it. He never liked being weak and vulnerable, but in this situation he could be described as nothing but that. Everything about it all filled him with uncontrollable fear and it just felt completely anxiety inducing, like the worst experience in his life. He was a lone kid in an open area, anything could happen. His movements were very jittery and berserk and he was unable to remain still. He was flinching at every noise and all these strange faces surrounding him were making him feel really uneasy. His stomach churned and the world started to spin as everything seemed to close in on him and all while this happened, he was still struggling to find his sister which certainly wasn't helping to calm him down.


"How do you know my name? Who are you?" Akutagawa screamed out, even more frantically than before. He had instantly spun round to face the speaker when he had heard his name, hoping to see a familiar face or any sign of comfort, but he was quite startled to see a random redhead staring back at him. A random stranger knew his name. A random stranger knew his name. A random stranger knew his name! That had an awful lot of horrible implications and he really didn't want to stick around to find out what would become of them. His heart rate picked up pace as he retreated slowly but quickly stopped in his tracks. If they knew his name, then they likely also knew Gin's. They certainly didn't look surprised when he had screamed her name earlier. No, at this point, Akutagawa was almost completely confident they knew Gin, so he couldn't leave until he was assured of his sister's safety or that she at least wasn't here.

"Where is Gin?" Akutagawa repeated, panic still deep in his voice as he willed himself to stand still in the name of his sister's safety.

"Akutagawa calm down, everything is going to be ok..." Chuuya soothed out trying to alleviate the fear in his friend's eyes but sadly, to Akutagawa, his words only sounded like deceiving lies from a stranger.

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