The Fiery-Tempered Apprentice

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         As the massive dark brown tabby gazed at her clan in the morning, she was unsure about her next action. Am I doing the right thing? she thought to herself with a sigh as he gazed at her paws and padded to the Highrock. Hawkstar took a deep breath as he meow rang across the clearing, "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather down beneath the highrock for a Clan meeting!" Swiftpaw, Autumnpaw, Breezepaw, and Shadowpaw bounced excitedly to the highrock as Leafclaw strolled more calmly towards them as eventually sat together. Poppyleaf, Rosethorn, and Ashcloud sat next to each other chatting about recent events in the clan. Shadowstream and Mapleshade murmured together about how early the Clan meeting was and that they wanted more sleep.

        Shadestorm dragged his paws out lazily with an obnoxious yawn, "Hawkstar, why does this have to be so early?"

          Hawkstar's eyes gleamed as she chuckled teasingly,"Because I said so. Now sit down you lazy Furball!" Shadestorm grumbled grumpily and plopped down on his haunches in the corner as Hawkstar smirked. Firekit tumbled out of the nursery, skidding on the ground, and sitting down. After everyone was gathered, Hawkstar concluded to start the meeting. "Everyone!" she yowled, "Listen up please, I have several announcements. First of all, Breezepaw and Autumnpaw step forward please." The 2 young shecats padded forward, they're sleek pelts shimmering. "You 2 have been wonderful apprentices and your mentors have trained you well. It is time for me to make you warriors!" Hawkstar purred cheerfully. "I, Hawkstar, leader of Mistclan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these apprentices. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you to be a warrior in their turn. Breezepaw and Autumnpaw, do you promise to uphold the warriorcode and to protect and defend your clan, even at the cost of your lives?"

          Breezepaw meowed clearly,"I do."

         Autumnpaw squeaked in a high-pitched voice."I do!"

         "Then by the powers of Starclan,I give you your warrior names. Breezepaw, from this moment you will be known as Breezewind. And Autumnpaw, from this moment you will be known as Autumnleaf."Hawkstar rested her muzzle on their heads as they licked her shoulders in turn.

          Everyone cheered. "Autumnleaf! Breezewind! Autmunleaf! Breezewind!"

         Shadestorm meowed when there was silence,"Can we go to sleep now?"

          Hawkstar's deep amber eyes rolled,"No, Shadestorm. Now please be quiet and stay that way!" She chuckled as the rest of her clan laughed. When it was silent she meowed louder,"Now everyone, I have one more announcement. Firekit is becoming an apprentice. Now Firekit, please step forward." Firekit bounded forward in excitement. "Firekit, you have reached the age of six moons, so therefore it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Firepaw. Your mentor will be Ashcloud. I hope Ashcloud will pass on all that she knows to you. Now, Ashcloud step forward." The light grey and dark grey bellied shecat trotted joyfully forward with her tail raised high. "Ashcloud, you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have excellently trained Poppyleaf, who was Poppypaw in the past, but is now an excellent hunter and fighter. Therefore,  I think you're capable of taking on a new apprentice. Ashcloud, you have shown friendliness and great hunting skills so I expect from you to pass on all you know to Firepaw." Ashcloud touched noses with Firepaw. Hawkstar expected to hear cheers from her clan, but instead there was silence. Firepaw frowned along with Hawkstar. "Cheer, Mistclan!" Hawkstar meowed sternly.

      "Firepaw, Firepaw." The clan grumbled halfheartedly. Hawkstar sighed in exasperation. "Clan meeting dismissed, Ashcloud and Firepaw please train," she eventually meowed.

       "Finally!" Shadestorm groaned. Instead of going to his den, he padded up to Hawkstar.

        "I thought you wanted to sleep." she mewed. "Isn't that what you wanted?"

         "It is, but I need to tell you, I'm not sure if Firepaw's trustworthy." he whispered quietly without the clan hearing.

       "But she's just a kit." Hawkstar meowed, although inside she felt the same.

        "Hawkstar." Shadestorm meowed sternly."You've seen her temper."

        "But things change."

        "Sometimes they don't."

         "But Shadestorm-"

          "As you've always said to Firepaw, no buts!" he chuckled then his expression turned more grave."I'm sure that you think shes untrustworthy too."

          "Yes, but I think we should give her a chance, that's why I made Ashcloud her mentor to look out after her."

         "Fine." Hee grumbled, then nuzzled her apologetically for snapping at her. "I guess I'll rest."

"Okay, bye Shadestorm ." Hawkstar mewed fondly as he padded to the warrior's den.

       Dustpelt padded near her and meowed,"I heard your whole conversation, even though you were whispering, you know. My ears are as sharp as ever. And I don't trust her myself to be honest. Maybe I could help you with this?"

      "Fine, but don't eavesdrop next time." Hawkstar sighed.

       "But I'm the deputy, I should know these things to help you."

       "Good point, I guess."

       Dustpelt snickered."And you like Shadestorm, don't you?"

       "Shush! No I do not!" Hawkstar hissed, trying to suppress and hide her embarrassment.

      "Sure, you dont." Dustpelt laughed as she trotted  away, her tail occasionally flicking.

        Hawkstar frowned as she gazed at Dustpelt then thought about what Shadestorm said. "Maybe he's right about Firekit..."

        "Hawkstar! Hawkstar!"

         The leader jumped as she heard the squealing and turned around to see Firepaw sprinting towards her.

        "Ashcloud and I trained, can I be a warrior now?"

         "Firepaw! Get back here right now!" Ashcloud yowled breathlessly. She panted as she reached Hawkstar. "I'm so, so sorry for her bothering you, Hawkstar."

          The dark tabby chuckled. "It's fine, Ashcloud. And, no, you can't be a warrior yet Firepaw." She meowed firmly as she turned to the new apprentice. "You only just trained once!"

          "Why are all of you cats so mean to me! You didn't make me an apprentice as soon as Shadowpaw and Swiftpaw! You always yowl at me! And and and-" Firepaw chattered on and on annoyingly.

             "Need help?" Poppyleaf meowed as she trotted over.

             "Thank Starclan your here, Poppyleaf!" Ashcloud and Hawkstar meowed in unison then Hawkstar mewed."Yes please, we do need help."

              "Come on, Firepaw, I can help you perfect the hunting crouch more."

              "But I don't wanna do some mousebrained hunting crouch! I wanna be a warrior, and wanna be one NOW!"

               Hawkstar sighed with a frown. "Will this yowling ever end?"

Well, this took FOREVER to write! This was my longest chapter so far, so I hope you guys liked it. Vote, comment, do whatever. There'll probably be about 3-5 more chapters in this book. Hopefully it won't be as hard! If I made any mistakes please say so. Also let me know if I should write about Shattered and Broken (2 vicious rogues) or Hawkstar's life from being a kit to leader by commenting. Vote by saying 1 for the vicious rogues that almost took over Mistclan or 2 for Hawkstar's life. Thanks for reading!


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