New Apprentices, New Trouble

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       Leafclaw sighed "This kit is so adorable, but shes horribly loud!"

      Hawkstar meowed, "Sorry, Leafclaw, but I couldn't just leave her there."

        "I understand, Hawkstar," Leafclaw mewed as she dipped her light brown head. "Shall I take her to the nursery to meet the other kits?"

          "Sure," Hawkstar purred in amusement, "But I'm warning you, she can be a pawful! "Then she muttered under her breath inaudibly, "I definitely should know with having to deal with all of that kit's nonsense." Hawkstar prowled near the nursery, watching the three kits play, Swiftkit, Stormkit, and Firekit. The kits played and tackled while batting around a mossball that Leafclaw gave to them. The dark brown tabby leader kept an eye on the kits as they toured around the vast camp. They chatted with Autumnpaw and Breezepaw about the news in the clan, and the apprentices taught the kits about clanlife works. The kits are really getting along well.  Hawkstar thought as she viewed her vast, thriving clan. How could anything go wrong? A hunting patrol came in with Shadestorm, Ashcloud, Poppyleaf, and Ghosteye. The four robust felines bounded towards the fresh-kill pile, putting various rodents, birds, and a plump rabbit on the pile. Hawkstar ambled towards her clanmates and commented, "Great job all of you, you've caught quite a bit of prey. I'm so glad things seem very peace-"

          "Ow!" A kit mewed obnoxiously. "You clawed my ear, Firekit!" As Hawkstar heard the yowl of agony, she rushed over.

          "What's going on?" The massive dark brown tabby meowed urgently. "Who's hurt?"

           Stormkit whined,"Firekit clawed my ear while we were wrestling!"

           "Well I didn't mean to!" Firekit snapped back. "You should've watched out!"

            "You shouldn't have had your claws out, mousebrain!" Stormkit hissed aggressively.

              "Enough!" Hawkstar meowed sternly. "This arguing won't help at all! Rosethorn, can you please take Stormkit to the medicine cat den?" Hawkstar ordered as she turned to the senior warrior.

               "Sure, Hawkstar. Come follow me, Stormkit." Rosethorn mewed to the injured kit.

                As Hawkstar gazed at the limping, furious kit she thought, "What if something could go wrong?" The leader breathed deeply, calming down as she sighed, "Firekit, you need to be more careful with your clanmates."

              "But, but-" Firekit squealed.

        "No buts," Hawkstar snarled faintly as she interjected.

        "Fine." Firekit grumbled as she stomped off deeper into the nursery.

 ~2 Moons Later...~

      "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the Highrock for a Clan meeting!" Hawkstar exclaimed as she bounded onto the ginormous slate stone. Dustpelt trotted onto a ledge that formed on the Highrock as Jaywing, the medicine cat, strolled next to her. Swiftkit, Stormkit, and Firekit sprinted over, they're eyes gleaming in excitement. Firekit in particular, since it was her 1st meeting since joining Mistclan. "Today, Swiftkit and Stormkit shall become apprentices." " Ghosteye, because of her loyalty and strength will be Swiftkit's mentor, and Redskull will be Shadowkit's mentor from her agility and patience.

       "Stormpaw, Swiftpaw, Stormpaw, Swiftpaw!" The whole clan cheered in unison as the new apprentices and mentors beamed in pride.

        "Clan meeting dismi-,"

          "WAIT!" Firekit let out a shrill shriek of protest. "I want to be an apprentice too!" The clan gasped as the kit interrupted the meeting.

          A cat murmured quietly in the silence, "How dare she interrupt a clan meeting!"

         Hawkstar yowled as her ears flattened, "Firekit, sit down, now! You'll be an apprentice in 3 moons, but if you keep acting like this, it may be even longer!"

        "But Hawkstarrrrr!"

         "No buts Firekit!" She hissed in aggravation, "Now go to the nursery this instant!" 

           "Fine!" Firekit lashed her tail as she stomped indignantly to the nursery. There was dead silence in the camp. A cricket sang, then stopped. 

            Suddenly a random older cat meowed. "Back in my day ain't no kits bothered no clan meetin' at all." A cat then shushed the cat. 

          Hawkstar sighed as she meowed, "Clan meeting dismissed." Hawkstar gazed at her clan, her beautiful sleek dark tabby pelt flowing in the summer warm breeze. She wondered as her vision locked on the narrowed, piercing yellow eyes glaring out of the nursery. Rapidly they exchanged glances, and Firekit gazed up at her.

         The leader almost flinched.

        Was that menace in the kit's gaze?

Mistclan's Infamous RivalOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora