Chapter 3

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As the school day went on Melissa River had on thing going on her mind

"He asked me out on a date!"

Melissa squeezed happily face as red as tomato as she told the guy next to her all about her crush

"Oh....well that's nice"

Blonde short hair ,light brown eyes,wearing a white shirt with long sleeves and red hoodie with short sleeves, white jeans and red sporty shoes

Clover Illywhacker (N.E)

His name not to be told yet

"It is! He's the sweetest"

Melissa said with dreamy eyes, still unable to believe she was asked out by her crush

"I mean....there are sweeter then him but sure, whatever you want"

As Clover said Melissa took a minute to think about his words before shaking it off, she doubt he knew anything about how she feels after all he wasn't a girl, he was a boy

"Well I'll leave now, have fun at your date I guess?"

Clover said as he held his bag at his shoulder and made his was outside the building

'I need to get more girl friends'

Melissa thought before collecting her bag and putting it on her back, then making her way out as well.

And as she made her way out she found a white car with Leya standing on the side

That was their mom's car, Leya's mom

Alex River

Just like her daughter, she had black hair cut short enough to reach her shoulder, and blue eyes,

She didn't come pick them up as often since Melissa told her off for showing up at the 2nd grade of elementary school

Some words were said and Alex never picked them up after, she still waited for them next to the door and if they're a minute late she'd panic and call the principal

Melissa took it as her way of caring for her child, not children as she probably only care for Leya.

Melissa decided to go with it, she was happy and didn't want her mood ruined, so she quietly got into the car earning a smile from Leya as she followed her to sit inside the car instead of standing on the sidewalk.

"Mel, honey how was your day? You seem more happy then usual, did something good came up?"

Right away Alex started chatting, and Melissa actually didn't mind it instead she even gave as smile as she replied

"Yeah um I have a date later today"

Just ad the words escaped her mouth, Leya's smile dropped face turning pale with shock, Melissa ignored her sudden change and took as her not believing a guy would actually ask her out.

"OH! That's wonderful news hun! Tell me all about him"

Leya's smile returned, but much awkward and the worry could be seen leaking in her face

"Y-yeah, you didn't tell me anything about that meely, who is he?"

Leya made out the words, this time Melissa glanced at her

"James Watson"

"Oh that's nice! I heard the other girls talk about how great he is, I'm so happy for you love"

But Melissa kept her eyes on Leya as she turned into shock then relief then happiness, which confused Melissa

"OH that's a relief I thought it would be someone else, I talked to James a couple of time, I'm glad that he's a nice guy"

Leya let out a relieved smile as she continued talking about how great that James is a nice guy and not a jerk.

"Maybe I could help you pick out something to wear?"

Leya looked at her with sparkles in her eyes, washing away all the worry she had on her face just minutes ago.

"Oh um yeah okay..."

Even though that Leya was acting weird before knowing who it was, Melissa still took her offer after all Leya was pretty and Melissa wanted to look pretty for her date, Leya would know what Melissa should wear best,

Unlike Clover who wouldn't care less about her date.

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