"Ma'm..We already ran two trials.. the lightings are perfect.. and catering group will deliver food... our team will do the rest of monitoring and all.."

The event management exicutive detailed, Gargi skimmed through their report. Yes eighty percentage of work is done now they are ready for real party.

She nodded curt, she went through guest lists, Khushi Gupta, they already sent an invitation, still no response.


Gargi inhaled deep, her girl doesn't care about social life ,thats not a secret. Despite of Khushi's carefully woven vanishing act she knows yesterday itself khushi landed on Delhi circle.

Garima had updated about khushi's arrival, not only that girls are lodging in keshav Sadan house.

Gargi smiled. Then it's okay to visit her daughter.


Alarm bell screamed again, this time lavanya tried her best to stop that damned scream, but she failed, with a click of sound her phone ruthlessly dropped away .

Khushi growled, and scrambled out of the bed.

Heck..it's already ten fifty four..!

She adjusted her dress and lazily wrapped a robe around it . Took her arm sling from nearby table, and carefully put it. She's not feeling well. This unexpected rain worsened her pain .

Miss Lavanya kashyap crawling like a baby, she's not getting out of bed, her phone crys greedy, but she's kinda out of world..!!

"What on earth..."

Khushi safely held lavanyas fallen mobile phone. Dropped it back. That cringing phone is still buzzing.

" Thanks babe....."

Lav mumbled weakly,  rolling her eyes she started to walk out, seems like lav still in her la la land .

Khushi left her there and paced towards door, calling bell already broke three of rounds.

She should set up modern security measures, this house need it, she can avoid this type of uninvited guests..!


She wasn't expecting any visitors, especially in keshav Sadan, where she normally camps tension free.

She had inherited this home from her father.
Her grandBaba's legacy.
an old sandstone house, old but spacious two storied building with a small comfortable lawn and a manmade forest in backyard.

Gupta house.
Her home.

Reluctantly Khushi started to step down, when she swung the door opened, somebody stood on her doorstep

Uniformed Malik's chauffeur.

A bouquet of charming Daisy and delicious looking fruit basket. Bowing he entered into her house, and before Khushi protest Gargi Malik jarred into the scene graciously.

" Mom...''

Khushi leaned over the wall, Gargi did a quick glance at her girl. Again Khushi in her most unusual style,a faded violet tank top cotton shorts, a loose knit robe wrap and bare feet.

Gargis eyes stopped at khushi's right arm,it supports by black arm sling.

Gargi stepped in, and cautiously looked back at Khushi's eyes, her probing eyes met khushi's sleep ridden one.

" Nothing serious..a small accident.mom.."

Khushi walked back to living room and sank down to a recliner.

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