The Day Of Vacation I (C1)

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the day of the holiday

It's the day of the holiday, Louis has to go to school first and then he goes straight to Belgium after school with his family. He is not really exited because Louis is not easy with making friends. He gets out of bed and brushes his teeth before putting on his clothes and packing his bag for school.

He walks downstairs and Mark asks "have you packed your suitcase yet?".

Louis replies "yes I'm going to school now, see you this afternoon.".

He kisses Lottie, Phoebe, Daisy and Fizzy goodbye and puts on his shoes grabs his bag and walks out the door. He gets on his bike and halfway Niall is coming his way.

"hey Louis are you a little excited for your holiday today?" Niall asks.

"not really to be honest I have no one there to talk to." Louis says back.

"Your sisters then?" He asks

"yeah okay but we don't really like the same things you know.".

"yeah I get it sorry mate." he says.

They arrive at school. They put their bikes in the bicycle shed and walk into the school. Niall is talking about things that Louis doesn't listen to, hes just drowning in his own negative thoughts.

"what lesson do we have?" Louis asks Niall.

"uh wait I'll have a look." Niall takes his phone from his pocket, types in his PIN and looks at the schedule for the day.

"first we have 2 hours history then we have break then about 1 hour maths, 2 hours biology then break and then we have P.E." the boy says while looking at his phone.

"which classroom?" Louis asks with a sigh.

"315." Niall says looking up at him with a smile.

"let's go we're already too late." Louis says to him.

"No really?" he says with wide eyes.

"yes is ther-" and Niall is already running up the stairs towards classroom 315.

A few seconds later Louis walks into the classroom and sees Niall bravely sitting on his place. The teacher looks at Louis with angry eyes.

When he's about to walk to his place she says "no, get a note too late Louis!".

Louis sighs and walks out of the classroom gets a note walks back and puts it on her desk.

"Go to your seat." She says while looking at him.

Louis sits down next to Niall who tries his best not to laugh. Louis punches him in the arm and the Irish boy stops right away. They grab their books like all the other kids and someone kicks louis his ankle. Louis sighs because he already knows who it is, Ashton. Ashton has been bullying Louis for a while because he's gay. Niall doesn't know he's bullying him, and he's not planning on telling him, he says to himself that it 'maybe looks like he's just looking for attention'. Louis ignores the kick to his ankle from Ashton. 10 minutes later he gets a note thrown on his table from Ashton. He doesn't want to open it but he does it but regrets it when he read what is on the note. The note says 'you don't belong here you dirty fag'. Ashton laughs as Louis throws the note off his table. Louis his eyes start to fill with tears.

The lesson is almost over the teacher says the most important information they have to write down and then they can go.

"I'm going to the canteen." Niall says.

"Okay." Louis says and he walks to his locker to put his history books in it. when he wants to turn around he sees Ashton's hand above him making it impossible for Louis to leave.

"what do you want." Louis says as his body stiffens. He turns around and Ashton looks straight into Louis' eyes.

"Hey faggot" Ashton says and punches Louis hard in the stomach. He holds his stomach and a squeak of pain leaves his mouth.

"Loser." Ashton says as he walks away.
No one cares when Ashton hits or hurts Louis. Because he's not populair in the school and is known as 'the gay guy'. He's not seen by anyone except Niall.

Louis looks around and sees nobody looking at him holding his stomach in pain. "Just like I'm fucking invisible." Louis says to himself.

He sighs and walks over to Niall to who is eating at the table with Liam.
Louis likes Liam he's nice and they can have good talks. but they're not in the same class and that's why he has less contact with him.

"Hey lad!" Liam says as Louis walk up to them.

"Hey." He says back and goes to sit next to Niall.

"Aren't you going to eat something?" Niall asks Louis and Liam looks up from his phone.

"no i'm not hungry." He say back. Niall tries to make him eat and keeps saying it's not healthy not to eat. Ofcourse Louis knows it's unhealthy but he thinks he's to fat for food and didn't eat anything for 2 days.

Break is over and niall tells they have classroom 280.

"Bye Liam." They say waving to him and he waves back.

"Bye guys, see you next break?"

"Yes ofcourse!" Niall says to Liam.

Niall and Louis walk to classroom 280 they are on time. They sit down and grab their books. The teacher walks in and says they can do their homework in class. After Niall and Louis finished their homework, they just chatted for a bit until class was over.

"Biology now right?" Louis asks Niall. The boy looks up and nods. He follows him to the classroom and sits down at their table. He sighs and gets his books out. The teacher starts explaining and the lesson is quickly over. They go to the canteen to have a break and Liam is already sitting at the table where they always sit together. They sit down at the table with Liam. This time Louis is sitting next to Liam. Louis is not eating anything again and this time Liam started asking questions too.

"Why are you not eating Louis?" Liam asks.

"Oh Im just not hungry I'll eat when I'm home don't worry about it." The smaller boy says

"Yeah okay.." Liam replies.

While Niall eats his food like everyone wants to steal it from him Liam and Louis are chatting for a bit. the bell rings Niall and Louis say goodbye to Liam and Niall and Louis go to their last lesson.

"Ugh I hate P.E." He says to Niall.

"Why P.E. is fun!" He says back. Louis ignores it and follows him to the changing rooms. Louis changes before all the other kids enter the locker room. Louis doesn't want other people to see his body. Niall also changes and the rest of the boys in the class enter. Louis is putting on his shoes when Ashton comes next to me and starts to change. Niall and Louis are already walking to the gym and are waiting for everyone to finish changing into P E. clothes. Class starts and they have to play football, Louis pretty good at that.

The lesson is over. Louis won with football. The school day is over and it's almost 4pm. Louis walks to his locker with Niall grabs his books and puts them in his bag. The boys walk out of the school and grab their bikes. They start biking and talking to each other.

"Bye! See you in about 3 weeks yeah?" Niall says to Louis as he turns the corner to his house.

"Yes ofcourse see ya lad!" He say. Louis
bikes to his house and puts his bike in the garage where you can already see Lottie and Fizzy's bikes.



I'll try to update fast and not take to long!

Heyy this was the first chapter I hope you liked it. Give me ideas so I can write easier for you guys. I hope it was not to short. It was maybe a bit boring but it will be better later in the story I promise xxx - author.

1371 words

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