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Two lines appear and my heart skips a beat. What am I supposed to do? Two gentle knocks on the door distract me from my thoughts. 'Jules, are you okay.' I want to answer and say that everything is fine, but all the crying took away my voice. Cole, my best friend and roommate, walks in. 'What's going on?' Without saying a word I show him my pregnancy test, my positive pregnancy test. 'Shit.' Is the only thing he says. He sits down next to me and hold me. 'Do you know who the father is?' I nod. 'Unfortunately I do.' He looks confused. 'Isn't a good thing that you know who the father is?' 'Not when the father is Oliver Crowling .' Coles eyes widen. 'You slept with Oliver Crowling? How drunk where you?' 'I don't need you judging me, okay. I know it was dumb, but he came over one day to see Jackson and I was moving my bed and he helped me and then we landed on the bed and he was looking really hot and...' 'Okay okay, I don't need to know everything.' Cole interrupts me. 'Are you going to tell him?' I sigh. 'I think I have to.' Even though I really, really don't want to. 'Can you drive me to his place.' 'Why? You know he hates me.' I know. Cole and Oliverhave always been rivals. They went to high school together and were always trying to out do each other. Whether it was in sports or English they always found something to fight about. And now they're both studying at the same university. Cole is still the golden boy, but even though Oliver still has amazing grades, he also started doing some illegal stuff. Everyone fears him and I think he really likes that. 'You don't have to come in with me. Just drive me there and wait for a while. Please?' I give him my most pathetic look and he finally caves in. 'Fine, but you owe me.' 'Thank you.'

'If something happens, call me and I'll be there in a second.' Cole says while I step out of the car. 'I'll be out in five minutes, don't worry.' Why am I doing this? Can't I just not tell? Come on Juliette, stop being such a pussy, everything will be just fine. But trying to shear myself up doesn't change the fact that my heart is beating like crazy. I think am going to pass out when I finally knock on the door. Please don't be home, please don't be... 'What do you want?' I am standing in front of Tyler , one of Oliver's roommates. 'Hey Tyler, is Oliver home.' Tyler and I have some classes together and I think he doesn't really like me. Probably because I completely destroyed him during our debate. It isn't my fault he is so dumb. Maybe I don't really like him either, but I need to be as friendly as I can to him since he is the friend of Oliver. 'Why do you need him?' 'For something that isn't your business. Is he home or not?'' Okay, so far for being friendly. He gives me an evil smile. 'I don't know, how bad do you want to see him? Maybe we can arrange something.' 'Has anyone ever told you that you are absolutely disgusting and that's why everyone hates you?' I answer him with a big smile. 'Yea, you did, several times.' As much as I like being mean to Tyler I really don't have time for him. 'Look, is Oliver here or not?' It's really important.' I try one last time. If he answers with something dumb again, I will punch him. Just when he wants to answer he got interrupted by a familiar voice. 'Why do you need me, Juliette?' The nauseous feeling I got before comes back. 'Can I talk to you. In private.' 'Yes of course, come in.'

I go sit on his bed. 'Maybe you should sit down.' He does as I say and sits down next to me. 'You're scaring me.' ' I don't know how to tell you this.' 'Just say whatever it is.' 'I am pregnant and you are the father.' He doesn't say anything and just looks at me shocked. 'Please say something.' 'I can't be the dad, we used a condom.' I feel like this boy had very bad sex education at school. 'Condoms aren't 100 percent save. You are the only one I slept with since my last period, it cannot be anyone else.' The silence is deafening. 'I am going home. You know where to find me.' When I walk out I try my best not to cry. I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't complete silence. I get in the car and ask Cole to bring me back home. 'Are you okay?' 'Just drive, please.' 

When I get home I go to my room without saying anything to Cole. I feel bad for ignoring him, but I need time to think. I understand Oliver's reaction, even though it wasn't what I expected. I can't decide what to do before he pulls himself together and we can talk about it. What was I thinking? Sleeping with Oliver Crowling might've been the dumbest thing I've ever done. I am not ready to have a baby, especially not with him. But I also can't just give the baby away. I stay up all night making a list with reasons to keep the baby and another with reasons to not keep it, but deep down I know I've already decided.

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