Part Six

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Later that night YC was walking around the town at night alone cause they couldn't sleep at all after from work.

YC continues walking and started to hum a little and hears bushes rustling and then they froze in fear hoping the thing will go away.

Then Vesper comes out of the bushes and goes behind YC covering their mouth with a drugged rag holding YC with a tight grip.

YC soon passed out and went limb after being drugged and fell in vesper's arms.

Vesper carried YC to his hideout while grinning widely and as soon they entered the hideout vesper ties up YC against a pole.

As YC wakes up they go into panic mode and looked around to see where they were and slowly calms down.

Vesper chuckles and grinned. Well well finally awake lil bun~ as he said in a flirtive tone and gets close to YC and bit their neck licking the blood.

YC eyes widen and yelps in pain and blushes a lot as soon as vesper bit them and YC hopes nothing goes more further then this .

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