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     Appluads booms throughout at the end of my presentation alongside smiles and nodding approvals .I throw a glance at Asher and he winks at me , smiling I confidently mutter a "thank you" to everyone.                       "Beautiful presentation Miss Asido" my boss said , he gave me a nod before proceeding "Alright that aside,I want everyone come up with ideas that willl convince our clients that we are the best fit for the stadium project.Ladies and Gentlemen that will be all ". Heaving a sigh of relief ,I pack my belongings glad the long hours of meeting had finally come to an end.

"Hey baby" Asher's voice announced his presence. I tore my eyes away from the system directing my attention to him. "Hey" I replied smiling. Soon he was in front of me ,"what are you doing , it's launch time " he asked all at once before his eyes flickered to my computer screen. "Seriously Cally, your already working on that" he said referring to my visual depiction of what the new stadium should like .I had just started and had a pretty long way to go. "I'm just trying something out" I replied with a smile. Giving me a knowing look "I get your smart and like your work to be perfect but there is still alot of time.l haven't even started mine" he added a laugh at the end of his little speech. I laughed along at his facial expression.

"Let's go for launch " he concluded" . I switch of my computer before making my way round the table,Asher gives my system a look before smiling at me. "After you ,my queen" this time I giggle , thinking of how sweet he can be as we made our way to lunch .
    Asher and I had lunch together while he was sorting the bill,my eyes roamed across the street taking in the sight of the beautiful afternoon . suddenly my eyes locked sight with a unique pair of brown eyes.At that moment it felt like time had stopped giving space for those beautiful eyes to draw me in . Curious of the identity of its owner,I skimmed through other features concluded it belonged to a handsome black man.Though it felt like he was starring at me,I know reverse was the case as his eyes seemed distant . I shrugged and shifted my attention back to Asher.

            Dressed in a sexy lingerie ,I find my way to the living room of my boyfriend's apartment. "Hey baby" I announced my arrival with a sexy tone. That worked effortlessly as I had his attention immediately . His eyes widen at the sight of me before they explored every inch of my body and stopping right where they began. I take slow calculated steps towards him, he quickly disposed of his MacBook and leaned back on the couch. I straddled him never breaking eye contact with him. Our lips met and I shiver as his hands roam around my body, I wish he would settle them on my ass to give it a squeeze or spank but he doesn't. Instead he grabs my hair extensions and kisses me roughly ,soon his hands it's way to my coochie making me moan in anticipation.

Two fingers find their way into me,I gasp , moaning and enjoying the fast movement of his fingers in me. I'm almost at my climax when he stops, within seconds I was on the couch with him on top of me. I moan when I feel him inside me,and even more when he increases his pace .

Asher groans loudly. His hand presses against my neck tightly and know he is almost near ,his strokes get even stronger as his eyes shined with lust. Asher soon pulls out of me , groaning as he releases. He breathes heavily smiling at me, I return the smile as he leans in for a kiss . "I love you Cally" .   "I love you too Asher

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