There were various plants set around the area. The large ones were on their own while others were displayed on shelves or tables.

The plants varied from just being a shade of green to flowers of a large-scale color.

Taking in a deep breath. You note how clean the air was, and how good it smelled.

"You like plants Giyu?" You asked as you took a seat at the countertop that separated the living room and kitchen.

He quickly turned to you and nodded. Reading his aura, you felt how conflicted he was.

He was extremely anxious for some reason but also...calm.

"Are you alright Giyu, you seem...nervous?" You hesitated to ask, and much to your disappointment, you seemed to make his anxiety worse, "I promise I mean no harm if that's what you're worried about."

"Oh, it's nothing to do with you," Giyu finally responded, though it was a lie.

"I'm the one person you can't lie to Giyu," you whispered loud enough for him to hear, making him tense up. Sighing, you rested your chin in the palm of your hand that was propped up on the wooden counter. Your eyes lazily watched Giyu as he prepped a meal. It looked to be salmon, rice, and some greens.

Watching him work, you noted how focused he was even with how fast he was working.

Pulling out six different dishes, he split them up onto two different wooden trays. Then, added the food into its proper dish.

Turning to face you, he placed your tray in front of you.

"Thank you for the meal Giyu," you smiled at him as he shyly looked away with another nod he walked around you and sat on the stool next to you.

The two of you silently ate for a while as you savored every bite of your food.

"I'm surprised how well of a cooker you are," you complimented not expecting an answer.

"Are you saying that because I'm a man?" He smirked which caused you to almost choke on the piece of salmon you were chewing.

Clearing your throat you shook your head frantically, throwing yourself at this opportunity for conversation.

"Of course not," you finished your food as you slightly turned your body to face him, "Just with how you are, I didn't expect you to make good food."

"Oh? And how am I?" He teased, obviously getting some type of fun from seeing you struggle to have a good argument.

"Oh you know..." you trailed off, trying to find something to say, "You're just quiet, and you seem stuck up. I guess I just assumed you'd go to Shinobu's for food."

"Stuck up?" He raised an eyebrow as you shrugged.

"I know you're not, but that's what you seem to be like, and a lot of people agree with me."

"Other people? Who?" He kept picking up questions, which surprised you.

"Hm...well mostly just Shinobu and Mitsuri, so I guess not a lot," you tried thinking back onto whenever you'd talk about Giyu, but he'd never really come up in many conversations.

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