" i want to believe you robin, i really do.. because i loved you "

Depuis le début

" i'm here to tell you that robin is telling the truth " she says sighing

" what ? " i say getting pissed but sad

" i saw you in the door so i kissed robin.. i thought that if you and robin broke up he would want me to be his girlfriend.. but i've found someone better then robin " she says smiling

" so you can have your boyfriend " she says patting my shoulder and walking out

what the fuck

i run out of the classroom
and to lunch

i sit down with finney and donna
but robins not there

" where's robin ? " i say clearly frustrated
" he went home early, why ? " finneys ask

i get up and run to my locker

i grab my backpack
and run out of the school

and run all the way to robins house

i want to pass out but i have to keep running

i get to robins house
and stop at the door

i bend down and catch my breath

and bang on his door

robin opens it
he looks likes he's been crying
i stand up

" robin- i- im sorry i didn't believe you " i say hugging him

he doesn't hug back

i pull away
" lily- she said she kissed you because she was hopping you would date her if we broke up " i say looking down

this is all my fault

" im.. sorry robin " i say sighing

" you don't trust me at all leah " he says looking at me

" that's the problem " he says shutting the door

but i push it open
" no ! you are not gonna push me away again " i say walking inside

" robin im sorry i didn't believe you, but we've been here before " i say walking over to him

" we need to learn to trust eachother " i say tearing up

he starts to tear up too

he hugs me and i hug him back

" i love you leah " he says crying
" i love you too robin arellano " i say crying too

we stop crying

we watch movies, eat ice cream, eat candy, chips, popcorn, we kiss, make out, read magazine's, listen to music, play board games, skate, bike, laugh, and hug

we're dating again

and this time we will trust eachother

me and robin are laying down on the floor with are legs on the wall
" robin ? " i say turning my head to him

" yeah " he says
" i think.. i think i really like you " i say looking at him

" i didn't think i could like someone like how i like you " i say sitting up

" it's so weird because i would've never thought i would be dating someone like me, someone cool " i say laughing

he sits up too
" your not cool " he says laughing
i punch his shoulder

" shut up your in love with me " i say leaning in
" you know it " he says kissing me

we pull away from eachother

" i'm gonna go to the bathroom, monopoly after ? " i say getting up
" yeah i'll set it up " he says getting up too

i walk into the bathroom

i stand at the sink
" i thought me killing him would let you go bruce " i say looking at him

" you always said i was your soulmate " he says smiling

i smile back at him

" was.. you were my soulmate bruce, but you have to go home " " go be with billy and griffin " i say
washing my hands

" so how do you get home ? " i ask
" by you letting me go " he says looking at me

he looks proud
so i let go

i finally let go of bruce yamada
my bestfriend

" i'll miss you leah " he says smiling
i think i see a tear roll down his cheek

" are you- " i turn around

" crying.. " i say but he's not there

i smile
he finally went home

i walk out of the bathroom
and see robin sitting down on the floor

" ready to get beat ? " he says laughing

" stop talking to your self " i say sitting down



i know this chapter was really ass
but i feel like this was the best way to end it

i'll be making more story's with
finney, bruce, vance, and robin !!

so i'll update this story whenever i come out with a new story 🤗🤗

i love you guys so much and thank you for 21k reads, i wouldve never thought i would have that many
reads !!

again thank you guys with all of my heart 🤍🤍

words : 1179

time : 11:31 pm

robin arellano x leah blakeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant