
"I can see you later. I have a meeting with Charlie's parents right now." Abby swerved past people trying to get to the café she'd picked to meet the Millers. "I know I saw you yesterday, but I kinda miss you too."

"I miss you too. I had a talk with Brian."

Abby smiled and waved as she saw the Millers already sitting at a table out on the patio. She slowed her pace not wanting to hang up on Nick just yet. "So, what did he say? Is he moving back with you?"

"Uh...no. He sounded really weird; said he didn't deserve to be my best man. So that means I have a black finger nailed guy as my best man." She heard Nick sigh.

Him talking about the wedding made her sigh. Nick still talked about it like it was still going to happen. Then again she had no idea what was on his mind; for all she knew he was testing her out and when he was done he'd still end up marrying lying-cheating Tiffany.

"I'm so sorry, Nick, but I have to go. I promise we can talk later."

"Alright. Bye." She said good-bye and hung up.

The Millers quickly stood up when they saw her approach them. It made her slightly nervous to see them here in LA; they'd moved to Texas almost three years ago and on top of that they seemed a bit uneasy.

"Abby, it's nice to see you!" Mr. Miller said, embracing her.

"You look great as always." Mrs. Miller pulled her into a tight hug.

Abby smiled, "Thank you. I'm surprised you guys are here in Cali. What brings you around here?" She wanted to get to the point. It seemed like no one ever got to the point of things lately.

They all took their seats and they ordered lunch.

"So, we came down to see Dr. Glaspy at the UCLA Jonsson CCC and he says he has a great team." Mrs. Miller started. "Charlie is getting worse and we are trying to find a way to keep him alive as long as we can. Dr. Glaspy says they could help him. While he stays home."

"We have decided to move back to California with Charlie, Abby." Mr. Miller cut in. He seemed pained by the decision, but eager to get the news out.

Abby felt a hot rush run through her body. That meant that she would be in Texas and the young boy she'd been taking care of for the past two years would be all the way out here in California. Away from her.

Mrs. Miller placed a hand on Abby's hand. "We know how much time you guys have spent together and that he loves you so much, but we--"

"You have to do what you have to do to keep Charlie going. I think it's great." Abby swallowed the knot in her throat. "When will you be moving?"

The Miller's looked at each other and then back at Abby. She realized the bad news was going to continue.

"We have someone packing all our things as we speak and they are supposed to fly Charlie out here on Saturday. I'm so sorry, Abby. We didn't really plan this, it just happened."

Abby forced her pout into a smile, "I'm happy for you guys. You shouldn't apologize. You have to do what's best for Charlie."

The waiter came by and brought their lunch. The threesome continued to chat about different things and how Charlie was sad and excited to move back to his hometown.


Nick laid on the couch with Pixie fast asleep on his chest. His finger was on a roll pushing through channels, but his mind was on Tiffany and the wedding. He wondered if he'd really have the balls to call off the wedding. To confess to the woman that he'd been sure of being in love with this past year; that he was sleeping with her sister...step-sister...not really her sister. Either way he knew it would hurt her like hell.

Angrily he pushed the off button and stared at the ceiling. This was a mess. A big mess. He jumped when he heard someone coming through the door. He picked up sleepy Pixie and put her on the floor and walked over confused when he saw her standing there with her bags.

"You gotta stop surprising me like this." Nick faked a smile.

Tiffany smiled back and jumped into his arms. "I've missed you, Nicky. I was so happy when they said the case doesn't start till next week. We get to spend more time together." She waited for his reaction.

Nick swallowed hard knowing that Abby was probably on her way to his apartment and that having Tiffany here meant he had to make his decisions quickly.

"I'm happy to see you." He hugged her tight, then helped with her bags.

"I thought I would stay here for a couple of days."

He nodded his head and reached out to grab the last bag in the hall. Then paused when he saw Abby standing in front of him, her face was red and her eyes puffy. She put the box in her hands down on the table next to the door; then instantly hugged him and buried her face into his chest. She was mumbling something and he was frozen in place.

"Abby. Are you alright?"

Abby's head shot up and she looked at Nick wide-eyed. Slowly she released her arms from around him and looked past him to find Tiffany standing with Pixie in her arms. Her heart sank and she let out a loud sob.

"This is a really bad day!" She wailed.

Tiffany quickly put the dog down and approached her. She wrapped an arm around her shoulders and ushered her to the sofa. Where they sat side by side. Tiffany caressed Abby's hair and ordered Nick to bring a glass of water.

"What's wrong? Are you hurt?"

"Charlie is moving back here...by this weekend." She sniffled.

Tiffany handed her a tissue, "Oh you poor thing. I know how much you love that boy. Maybe you can work for them here. Dad would help you get a place of your own or you can always live with them for a while."

This is why Tiffany was known as the smart and successful one. She always had the answers. The thought made Abby sob even more.

"I'm so sorry...but I have to go to the restroom." She waved over Nick, "Take my spot."

Nick took a seat where Tiffany had been sitting and waited to speak until he saw and heard the door close. "I'm sorry, Abby. I didn't know."

"Now that I see her face to face, I feel terrible. Then again it's a good thing, right? You can talk to her...about the wedding and..."

"Right! So it can be a good thing." He tried to reassure her, but in reality wasn't too excited about the wedding talk. It was something he wasn't looking forward to. There was one more thing he had to let Abby know. Something he knew she wouldn't be happy about. "She's staying here, Abby."

Abby felt like she'd been punched in the stomach. She knew exactly what that meant. "You don't have to let her..."

"How do I not? You have to understand me Abby!" Nick tried to keep his voice down. She was starting to frustrate him again, she had no idea the stress he was going through at the time. "She's still my fiancé."

Their eyes shot to the bathroom door when they heard the bathroom flushing. Abby stood up and shook her head. "I won't accept it." She walked towards the door and took hold of the box on the table. "Double dipping is rude and gross! Here..." she sniffled, shoving the box into his chest, "your...wedding invitations." She spun around and left.

"Where did Abby go?" Tiffany looked around confused.

"She had to go. She was really upset."

Tiffany took two steps towards Nick and caressed his chest. "She'll be ok." Nick was pretty sure she wasn't. "I think you and I...should get physically acquainted again." She gave him a flirtatious smile.

"Wait...not without looking at the wedding invitations first." He shoved the box into her arms as he gave her a nervous smile.

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