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"What do you mean, Go to school!?" Trinkets face was flushed a deep shade of pink and the pair continued to stare each other down.

"As it is, Trinket you should go to school," Jeff kept a cool expression on his face and was unperturbed by Trinkets rage. Trinket stepped forward expecting Jeff to flinch but instead was greeted by an action Identical to his own. Jeff stepped forward.

"You need to go Trinket! People don't know what you have become and not going to school highlights your name to the police. Things will become difficult you stubborn shit!"Trinket flinched at the harsh words but opted for glaring at Jeff to get his unhappiness across.

"My parents would never report me missing so it's fine!"

"But your school will!"

Trinket stopped his retort and thought for a second, he hated that Jeff was in more than a million ways right in this moment but he was still frustrated. Not only would the school report him missing but so would his friends.

"...What if I want them to think I'm missing, Kidnapped... Wouldn't that be easier then going to school and saying 'Hi I'm a murderer now. bye!' It would be so painful," Trinkets eyes began to look pleadingly at Jeff but was disappointed when he was brushed off with a shrug.

"I'd rather that then get caught by the cops you should know that by now,"

Trinket bowed his head in defeat and slumped to the floor taking in a deep breath as he did. He was upset at losing the argument but to be frank; he was all out of come backs.

"When do you want me to go?" Jeff smiled lightly at the young man before him and crouched to the floor, his butt bobbing in the air. He brushed his fingers over the Raven that continued to engulf Trinkets Right side of his face. Trinket leaned gently into the soft yet coarse hand.

Jeff leaned forward and nuzzled Trinkets hair, "Tomorrow is when school break ends, is that OK with you hmm?" The rumbling at the end made Trinket chuckle gently then nod in understanding. "Anything for you love," These soft words brought a loving smile to both men's faces and they shared a quick kiss before helping each other from the floor.

*****NEXT DAY***** (Unusual for me I know but I couldn't end the chap here now could I?)

Trinket sat uncomfortably in Jeff's old truck and wouldn't stop squirming every few seconds. "Trinket, keep that up and I'll murder your principal in front of the whole school on assembly today," Trinket paused for a moment then turned to Jeff, fear showing in his only free eye. "Please do actually, maybe then no one will notice the bandages," Jeff broke into a hearty laugh then caught Trinkets glare with a smile.

"At least you aren't wearing a clowns worth of War Paint!" He jitted his hands on the wheel tapping it rhythmically. Trinket rolled his eye dramatically. "It's makeup not 'War paint', and you needed it to avoid full face bandages. Where did the make up come from in the first place anyway...?" Jeff turned white, (Considering his complexion even though darker then the first time they met was still pale in coloration) and shrugged off the question quickly. Choosing in that moment to turn up the radio and bob to the Pop song that was on.

Jeff's new 'Trinket' (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now