The elevator ride downstairs was quiet. Too quiet. AJ and Rochelle kept looking at each other and Abby could tell that Rochelle was dying to open her mouth. She stayed far from her and didn't give her a chance. They headed into the Mesa Grill restaurant and were seated right away.

The food was ordered and now they all sat at the table in utter silence. Abby wasn't sure what to say. How could she start a conversation; when she knew that Rochelle would take the opportunity to open her big mouth and give her opinion. She sighed heavily, catching a glimpse of Nick's blue eyes on her.

Nick could see the distress on Abby's face. He really didn't imagine that she would react like that, but she was taking whatever little happened between them to the heart.

"I'll be back, going to the ladies room." Rochelle said and started for the bathrooms.

AJ looked at both Abby and Nick and smiled sheepishly. "I should go with or something." He got up and left.

Abby laughed. "He's so sprung!"

"Hell yeah! Is there something wrong with that?"

She shrugged and took a sip of her water. "Not at all. Nick, I'm really sorry for the way I acted last night. I wasn't really myself."

"I think the opposite. You were definitely yourself and I don't think you have to apologize for that."

"I just feel really crappy right now. Tiffany would be so disappointed in both of us and would kill me."

Nick shook his head in agreement, "Hey about Tiffany. You said there was something you needed to tell me and then you kept muttering her name. Did she tell you something?"

"No! I don't know what the heck that was about. You know what, my head hurts all of a sudden. I think I need to go back to the room."

She got up in a rush and started to walk back towards the rooms. Nick quickly followed. "Why are you walking away from me? I have a feeling you know something and you aren't telling me."

There was no way she could tell Nick. She didn't want to be the one to hurt him. That was Tiffany's job. "Nothing!" Abby stepped into the elevator and Nick barely made it through, the doors grazing his body. "Are you insane? That thing was gonna squish you." She stood facing the doors.


She couldn't help but smile, that name was usually only said by her dad when she was in deep trouble.

" I'm a joke. Right!" Nick was frustrated. He leaned against the elevator wall behind her and crossed his arms.

Abby continued to smile. "What about you? You said there was something you had to tell me?"

"You didn't hear what I said..." Nick sighed.

Abby didn't look back and shook her head. "No. I was so tired...I'm so tired. What was it."

The elevator dinged and the doors slowly opened to drop them off on their floor. She took a step and Nick pushed himself off the wall.

"I love you!"

She froze as she stepped out the elevator and turned to look at him. Her eyes wide and her mouth slightly open in shock.

Nick swallowed hard, he hadn't planned on repeating himself, but the feeling returned every time she was around him. Why the hell not let her know what he was feeling. "Say something!"

She nodded her head and pointed a finger at him. "NO! You can't do this to me....or Tiffany. NO!"

"What?" Nick's brows creased with confusion.

"You idiot! You're getting married to my sister!" She punched him in the stomach as he approached her.

"What the hell was that for? Abby, wait..."

She rushed to the room, slid the card key in the door and entered. Pixie greeted them with bark after bark, but they didn't even notice. Nick held his stomach as he entered the room and closed the door. Abby wiped away the tears that had started to fall, tears she had no idea she was shedding.

"You have to...take that back." She sniffled.

Nick shook his head. "I won't. What's so wrong about it?" He walked towards her, but she dove into her room.

"Besides the obvious...we would hurt people and you are just confused because we get along. You said it before...I'm not your type."

"Ok, I said that. But Abby..." He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards him; trying hard to make eye contact with her. She looked down at the ground and refused to look him in the eyes; if she did, she'd give in.

"I love hanging out with you. You're funny and loving. I know so much about you. I know your dreams for your future and the shit that pisses you off about your life. Your favorite flower and color...and that you feel the same way about me."

He cupped her face in his hands and gently wiped away the tears from her cheeks with his thumbs. Gently he leaned down and kissed her. Timidly she kissed him back savoring that familiar taste of his lips. Their kiss intensified and his hands moved down to rest on her thighs for a few seconds, before they took turns slowly removing each other's shirt.

Her hands ran up and down his chest and up his neck. "I'm scared!" She breathed.

"Why?" Nick asked his lips trailing down her neck to her shoulders. "I'm a really..." His fingers fiddled with her button and zipper, "gentle guy." His tongue flicked at her earlobe.

Abby smiled, feeling her jeans slide off her legs. She put her hands to work on his pants and soon everything came off. He took her hand and guided her to the bed where she laid down and pulled him onto her. His body rested between her legs and she could feel how eager he was.

Once again he left trails of kisses down her shoulders over her breast, nipped at her nipples and continued slowly lower and lower. Abby moaned as she felt Nick's tongue slither down her inner thigh and other places. He came back up and bent down to have his mouth meet hers once again; taking advantage of her distraction he slipped into her and felt her gasp against his mouth.

This would be a night Nick would never forget. She was more than he expected and he realized there was no way he'd go along with the wedding. He had to cancel it.

Abby wanted to concentrate on nothing other than the pleasure Nick was giving her. She'd thought about this moment, but never imagined that it would happen. Now, here she was with the man of her dreams, drowned in intimacy and deep down it killed her to know he'd be getting married really none other than her step-sister.

Oh Fuck!

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