My Boring Life So Far

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My name is Y/N L/N, I just turned 14 and now I am scared. I was not ready to b 14- not to mention school is right around the corner and my best friend, Hisashi, just moved away!! I can't do this- whatever god is up there; take me now! All I have are my cats, my dog, and my stinky little sister Victoria and they are not very emotionally supportive shake my head. I suppose relying on Len Kagamine and fanfics is what is going to get me through this school year....

"N/N (Your Nickname)! I found a new Len song you might like!" It was Vicky- I didn't think she would be awake at this hour. Normally she sleeps in until 2:00 pm. "Lemme see-" I said as I peered at her from my bunkbed. She held up our mum's laptop and pressed the play button. The song that started playing was called "Nameless Song", most certainly not new to me but maybe it was new to her. I didn't feel inclined to tell her I had heard it before so I just smiled and nodded my head, "Good find Vicky!" She grinned brightly and said, "I'll ask mum to send you the link so you can find it!" She then ran out of the room with the laptop in hands.

I sighed and rolled back over to come face to face with one of my furry jerks, Iris. I gave the calico a pat on the head and pulled my phone out of my hoodie pocket. I opened my discord and it turns out I had missed 27 calls from Hisashi- he was always spamming me.

Unwilling_Len_Simp(Y/N): What is so important that you feel the need to spam me 27 times?

FoxEnvoy<33(Hisashi): DUDE. OKAY DUDE-

Unwilling_Len_Simp: ???

FoxEnvoy<33: YOUR SCHOOL-

Unwilling_Len_Simp: What about that sad excuse of an edjucation building?


Unwilling_Len_Simp: *Foreign


Unwilling_Len_Simp: They are trying to purge the weebs.

FoxEnvoy<33: Jerks.

I groaned as I turned of my phone. Yeah. It's true. My small, very midwestern school banned clothes with foreign languages on them. You know what else they banned? Cat ears, speaking languages other than english and spanish, posters with foreign languages, pride flags, and anything having to do with LGBTQ+ in general. They of course have rules against booty shorts and crop-tops- but the difference between those rules and these rules is they unfairly act upon them. The second a teacher sees a shirt with even a hint of Japanese on it you are in the office, but you wear booty shorts? Oh- they're are just a liiiiiittle too short, but no worries! You probably just forgot. Another thing is the favouritism. Those bratly disgraces to the blonde hair colour could wear booty shorts and get away with it but if I tried I was in for hell. I swear this place is the worst and just thinking about it makes my stomach hurt.

I crawled out of my bunkbed and grabbed my 2012 hand-me-down headphones and plugged them into my 2014 iPod and flipped through some playlists. I clicked "2009 Vibes" and let the music roll. The first song that started to play was "Luka Luka Night Fever", a favourite of mine. I strapped on my combat boots and clipped some freakishly large hair clips in, what? I think they are cute! Slipping my phone in my hoodie pocket, the little Banana chain clicking off of the phone, I set out on another walk to the local starbucks.

I hope things change soon.

Okay wtf this is so short! I am sorry TnT. I have no inspiration rn! Anyway I'll probably only continue this if anyone reads it. So do tell me if it catches your interest and I'll continue it! (The chapters will be much longer than this- I swear.)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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I Am 14 In 2022 But I Should Have Been In 2008Where stories live. Discover now