"These are for you." I say handing her the assortment of roses.

"Thank you these are so beautiful." Cassie says.

"Pretty flowers for a pretty girl." I reply.

I stepped inside the nicely decorated Howard residence. She walks away to put the roses in a vase I'm assuming. In her absence, I was met with Suze.

"Y/N? You've gotten more attractive since the last time I seen you." She says with a wine glass in her hand.

"I could say the same about you." I respond returning the light hug.

"What are you doing here?" Suze asks.

"I'm taking your daughter on a date." I answer, nervous about what she's going to say.

"I always knew you had a thing for Lexi. You've always treated her better than anyone else." She replies as if she's just sure that it's Lexi.

The latter of that sentence is true. I was always and still am nice to Lexi. Like extremely nice. She's a sweetheart that many people seem to overlook. But I'm not into Lexi like that.

She always hung out with Rue and since I was with Rue a lot, we tended to be around each other a lot. But Rue began to treat her poorly so I kinda stepped in. We got pretty close but nothing on that level.

"Uh actually I'm taking out Cassie." I chuckle.

"Oh. Why would you wanna do that?" She questions.

I let out a small laugh. That's a good question. Why the fuck would I wanna do that?

"Mom you better not be embarrassing me." Cassie says.

"Honey you do that all on your own." Suze replies.

"You ready?" I ask.

She nods her head and I respectfully say goodbye to Suze before we head out the door.


"Where are we?" Cassie asks for the millionth time.

"Let's find out." I respond.

I opened up the door for her and helped her out my truck. I looked around and thanked God that there was barely any people here.

"Okay, enough of being mysterious. What is this place?" She asked.

"An ice skating rink. The best ice skating rink in my city. Actually the best in the area including East Highland." I answer.

"We're in Compton?" Cassie says worriedly.

"Don't worry. Nothing bad is gonna happen. You with me." I say.

She looks less scared but honestly she shouldn't have been in the first place. I don't go anywhere without my Glock anyway.

"Why here? Is it because of what I told you?" Cassie asks.

"Kind of, yeah. You should be able to do what you love. Which is why I have one of my good friends here. She's a gold medalist in figure skating. She also taught me how to skate, decently at least, within the time that I dropped you off to before I picked you back up." I say.

Cassie looks at me with her smile never leaving her face. A light blush came on my face as she stared at me. She got a nigga blushing. I can't tell the boys this or they gon roast my ass.

"That's so sweet of you. That's like the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you." She says hugging me.

I return the hug and kiss her on her forehead. "Ready to go inside?"

I'm Not Him (Maddy Perez/You) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt