„You will have to fake his identity or keep him hidden, though." Ningyou added.

„I know... I will send him abroad to his father, telling him that I had to stage his death for his safety. We are divorced and my husband moved to Thailand three years ago." Satoko easily came up with a plan. „When do you want to see all of my apartments, so you can choose one of them?"

„We will return later, I assume you will want to spend time with your child."

„That can wait, I want to do my part."

„So practical. Scary, she reminds me of Muzan." Ningyou whined quietly.

„Alright then, let us go and see them right now." Enmu shrugged, „Sooner the better. Less time to spend at our temporary shelter."

„First house was prettiest." Ningyou stated after exploring all of the apartments in the city that were owned by Satoko.

„Fine then, I will pack my belongings and move to another apartment."

„You can stay if you want, if you will not bother us with a loud music or something, house is huge, we can live in the other end of it." Ningyou offered, „But you will have to move if I will find your presence bothersome."


„This makes stuff easier anyway, I can access your money better if we will live together." Voodoo demon smiled cheerfully, clapping her hands.

* * *

Months passed after Ningyou resurrected Satoko's son. Three of them lived together now and Satoko's child stayed with his father. Satoko seemed to grow fond of Ningyou, after the voodoo demon brought back her son. She treated Ningyou like her daughter, even though physically she was only ten years older than the demon and chronologically she was younger than Ningyou. Satoko appeared to be very protective of her, however, she did not trust Enmu at all.

„This is the fourth bed this month, cannot you be more careful or at least do not buy most expensive furniture?" Satoko groaned. She was awakened by the noise of loaders bringing furniture in her house. Satoko hatefully glared at Enmu who stood nearby, giving instructions to the loaders.

„Why am I the only one getting scolded? My wife participated in breaking them too and most importantly, she is the one choosing furniture. Are you picking on me? What is your problem? You should be thankful I introduced you to my wife." He whined.

„I do not like you and I do not like the way you treat her. You are abusive."

„Eh? She is the abusive one. I am not the one, beating her up."

„Well, maybe she would not attack you, if you stopped giving her nightmares about insects and stuff."

„But she looks so cute when she wakes up terrified... and besides that happens very rarely... once in two weeks or so."

„What is with all the angry noises?" Ningyou complained, approaching them.

„Nothing important. I happened to notice that the two of you broke one more expensive bed... There are people in my house, bringing another bed, deemed to be destroyed, so I decided to confront your husband about treating you properly."

„Oh, that is fine, I do not mind that kind of treatment." Ningyou blushed, whispering „We are demons, so I am not really hurt or anything."

„Exactly. I always stop when she says „Dawn". I would never hurt my wife more than she allows me to." Enmu nodded.

„No need to go in details." Voodoo demon facepalmed.

„Yeah, that is true." Satoko agreed.

„Whatever, I will go, tell those people where to place that bed." Enmu shrugged, walking away.

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