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Y/N checked one more time to make sure she had all the necessary things packed, before heading for Fujikasane mountain. She was afraid that she would be late for exam, so she left too early, knowing herself, she could zone out and end up going somewhere else, so she needed some extra time.

Of course, she got lost at least thrice on her way, but she managed to notice it and change direction before it was too late. Finally, she arrived, but then she lost some more time just standing there and staring at wisteria flowers in awe before remembering why did she get there in the first place. She blushed with embarrassment, hoping that no one could see her standing there like a total idiot. She hid herself behind wisteria trees, tightening her restraints and making sure they worked right before proceeding to climb stairs. Now that she arrived, she was unsure what to expect, so she felt tense and extremely anxious. Of course Hideo talked to her about exam, but she could not be sure that nothing changed, besides, she forgot most of the things she was told already. Her heart was racing and at this point she was so overwhelmed, that she merely hoped she would not puke in front of examiners. She covered her mouth with one hand, while another one grasped hilt of the sword Kenichi lent her, before she could get her own. He asked her to not break it, because it belonged to some deceased demon hunter, who used to be his apprentice.

Y/N noticed small group of people gathered, chatting, all of them turned around to give her judgmental or curious glances.

„Umm... am I late?"

„A bit, but that is okay!" Examiner stated, smiling. Y/N guessed that she was one of the examiners, because she was one of the rare people around, who did not look as nervous as a chicken who is about to lay her first egg. Her calm smile slightly irritated Y/N, even though she was relieved to see that examiners did not appear to be too strict.

Examiners then began explaining what people needed to do to pass.

„So, demons cannot leave this place because of the flowers, huh?! That is something new... can it actually harm them, though?" She asked when the examiner finished her speech. She was far too curious to learn more ways to take down demons, since her breathing techniques were not the best, so she ignored her shyness, social anxiety and fear to irritate examiners and get kicked out.

„Yes, it can be harmful... now, go ahead."

Y/N turned around, shrugged and picked random direction. Everyone else was already far away.

„They have to be kidding. Just coming all the way here and then having enough strength left to climb those stairs, was exhausting enough. Part of me thought that was all we needed to do for passing exam... but here we are, served to the group of starved demons. Yay..." She mumbled to herself.

Y/N shrugged again and looked around to see if she could find any food or water sources in the forest, in case she would run out of the food she brought with her. Suddenly, she felt the ground shaking.

„What the hell is this? Earthquake? It better not be a volcano. As if demons are not enough..."

Y/N heard screaming and she hesitantly went to check what was happening. Maybe she would have fun watching fight from afar, or even help either a human or a demon, whoever she would feel like helping. If she were lucky, she would memorize useful fighting strategies or take a note of other people's mistakes and avoid repeating them.

However, when she reached the place where fight occurred, she saw that battle was already over and a really ugly looking demon was swallowing several dead bodies.

Y/N froze for a few seconds, staring at it full of disgust, fear and awe.

„So many hands, man! So many hands! All these possibilities! So many middle fingers for his opponents to face! Part of me wishes I were him, another part of me is sane." She mumbled to herself before retreating. She knew that currently she would be no match for that demon. She barely had enough strength left to walk, if he noticed her, she would be done for.

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