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Y/N immediately cleaned herself when she returned home. She was so exhausted that she slept for eighteen hours. When she finally woke up, she still felt dizzy, so she waited little more, then dressed up and headed for Kenichi's place to return sword, but Kenichi told her she could keep it until she would get her own.

Y/N gave Shou delicious treats, so he was not too mad at her anymore and he slowly began talking to her, at some point they even started spending hours chatting and playing games, while waiting for Y/N's sword to be delivered.

In the meantime, Y/N planted some wisterias around her house, she did not feel like dealing with more unexpected attacks.

Fifteen days passed since the exam ended, masked man finally came to deliver her sword. It looked pretty much like average, simple but elegant katana. Y/N anxiously touched its hilt, gazing at the edge with so much anticipation that her widened eyes nearly escaped from their sockets.

She trembled for a few seconds, staring at her sword in horror. What if it would not change color? What if it would have an unpleasant color? Could it really change its color, or was it merely a legend, made for messing with new demon hunters? Y/N wished the masked man just left after delivering her sword. He already did what needed to be done, so what was his problem? That curious, nosy asshat, watching her embarrassment intently like that!

The blade stayed same color, as if it was unsure whether her skills were good enough or not, then, when Y/N began to lose hope and patience and was about to throw it across the room, the sword slowly began changing its color.

„Pink?" The masked man mumbled.

„No wait... it is getting darker." Y/N replied, staring at her sword.

„Maroon. It is maroon. Creepy. It is going to look like it has dried blood on it, even when it is clean. But on the bright side, no one will notice if you will not clean it spotlessly."

„Excuse me, I clean my weapons well!"

„I was joking. You better treat my creation right!"

„You bet I will! Also, give me another order and you will have your masterpiece stuck inside your mouth!"

„Do something about your anger issues, lady! Alright then, I will be on my way now, goodbye!"

„Have a nice day!"

„I was having it, until I met you."

„I heard that!"

„I was joking. Mostly."

* * *

Several years passed. Y/N still could not manage to become a demon, her rank was Tsuchinoto now, so far she had killed 35 demons, so she hoped she would at least become a pillar in the near future and get paid better, though she was aware that it would mean facing more dangerous demons, which did not sound very safe for someone who became a demon hunter for the sole purpose of chasing after immortality. Then again, Y/N needed money to live at least as long as an average human being and only thing she was skilled at was killing... well, sure she could do some other stuff too, but her highest income was earned by hunting. In any case, it was a perfect job for her, providing her with money and information about demons.

After all this time, Y/N was still unable to master more mist breathing techniques, but ever since she heard that demons feared wisteria, she carried poisoned darts, immobilizing targets shortly before cutting their heads off (Y/N's poison was not half as strong as Shinobu's or Tamayo's, since she did not specialize in concocting poisons, she merely coated small arrows with the juices she extracted from wisteria pods and seeds, so it could not really kill a demon, unless it was exceptionally weak, which never happened during Y/N's hunt, however poison's damage was painful enough to slow down her opponents for a minute or two and make them easy prey for certain sluggish hunter who could never match demon's speed otherwise). That strategy was pretty much crucial since Y'N attacks were neither rapid nor immensely strong. Y/N's reflexes were true mystery to her: sometimes she could make incredibly fast and flexible movements to evade grave danger, before even fully perceiving the threat, but mostly she was slow and if she were to choose direct attacks over her sneaky methods, she would die long time ago. Nevertheless, her weaknesses only made her even more deadly and dangerous, since opponents were taking her too lightly before it was too late.

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