One shot

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Sometimes the crew would act as if Luffy was a child. Sure, he might be one of the youngest in the crew, but he wasn't 5.

This usually happened when they would get too drunk, or someone would swear particularly loudly or even when one of them, or anyone else for that matter, dis anything 'crule',as if Luffy didn't partake in it himself.

He didn't know why he was treated like this. He was a pirate for fucks sake, and a captain at that!

They had seen him beat people close to death, steal from them and leave them for dead, bloodied and bruised, and broken, with shattered dreams and no will to continue. He might be closer to a hero then most pirates but he was still a pirate. And pirates had no mercy.

Luffy hadn't killed anybody but leaving them broken must've hurt just as bad, if not worse.

Swearing wasn't foreign to him. Maybe because Garps favourite nickname for him had been 'shitty brat' since before he knew how to walk.

Shanks tried not to swear, admittedly not with much effort, but people say stuff when there drunk, and Shanks was always drunk, and his crew wasn't far behind him.

Then he met Ace, who swore more then Dadan when her favourite booz was stolen by three small pairs of hands or when there wasn't a gram of nicotine left in the hut. Sabo wasn't as bad but still managed to introduce some new words to Luffy, of course, less then there oldest brother, but enough to rival any grown up who would curse there existence for stealing something.

Gore and pain wasn't something Luffy shied away from, either. After all, he himself had gotten more gorry injuries then most of his friends could ever dream of leaving on someone else. Bites, stabs, punches, kicks, slices and burns (possibly one or two from himself), and early in his life, when he was seven, if remembering currently, he had been tortured.

And he hates to say it but he has felt blood on his hands, his own, the enemies, he's brothers and allies.

Death was fine. He wasn't scared of it, maybe when he was a child, being drowned or dropped out of the sky wasn't the best thing for a 4/7 year old childs health.

Just another part of life. He had learned that first from gramps story telling style. "IF YOU DONT BECOME A POWERFUL MARINE YOU WILL DIE AND LIFE WILL BE OVER!" He had said. But the first time he actually experienced it first hand was when lucky Roo blew out half of a mans head, and said guys boss got eaten in front of him.

Gray terminal was a cruel place, you could see shit there that the bitches in high town wouldn't be able to even read about.  And then more personally with Sabo and Bon~Chan, and...well he'd lived trough a bloody, and gruesome war.

On a lighter note, beginnings of hunting were a bit... dead and bloody as well, but that was quickly forgotten when he got the tiniest bit of the smell of cooked meat into his nose.

Watching the animals get skinned didn't effect him that much after knowing the prize that came of it.

Now, sexual acts were gross to him. He would scrunch up his nose and gag every time Yasopp got drunk enough to talk about his wife's curves, her flushed and sweaty face and the sounds- Luffy learned his lesson, from then on, he would cover his ears every time the snipers wife was brought up for days after the first four times until he was sure the... that gross sounding stuff would never be brought up again.  He did whisper to Makino and Shanks that he did want to know how it felt, since Yasopp seemed to enjoy it but that changed quickly after when Shanks had laughed at him and explained how it actually worked and what fit where.

And as said earlier gray terminal was crule and anything but child friendly, early on, poor Sabo had to explain what rape was, and later Robin had to explain the more physical damage caused by it.

Luffy, was glad and almost grateful, that he, personally never had to deal with something like... that. Although, there was one time, Hancock had said something about wanting to 'sleep' with Luffy, clearly, this greatly upset the man, shock and disgust must have been showing quit clearly on his and his crews faces, because she shut her mouth for a hour or two and never brought it up again.

Sanji learned to keep his thoughts to himself at all times relatively late, right after whole cake island or middle of their Wano journey. When he started holding Luffy a bit higher and doubting women just enough not to marry the first one who offered.

And then there were harsher topics such as slavery and racism, among other things close to those. He understands completely. And it pisses him off.

Sanji (again) was so close to crossing the line on discrimination, but never quit stepped over it. Jimbe was a fishman and the former captain of the sun pirates, it would be weird if he was even capable of discriminating against anyone who wasn't doing anything bad, some of the most dearly held members of the crew were women, and everyone seemed to drink there respect women unless she attacks us juice, except the cook, who seemed to just chug respect women no matter what juice.

Luffy was acesexual and as the captain of the crew that meant that everyone on his ship had to accept people like him, but that didn't seem to be a problem as at least half the crew was some type of queer. Not to mention there, friend and ally, Yamato, was a disaster of a fem presenting, trans man who just so happened to like all genders just about the same.

All of that being said, he really had to tell this to the crew, unfortunately there really wasn't anytime other then meals when they all gathered together, and even those were sometimes split.

So todays dinner was perfect.

Luffy had finished his meal before everyone else to make sure no one ran off. And when most of the crew were close to done..."guys"

Everyone went quit and listened, the tone of voice used only in somewhat serious situations, making everyone tense "stop treating me like a child."

Sighs of relief at no danger, and questioning hums and faces filled the room.

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