Chapter Four: Spirit Queen

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Callie sat next to Minnie, on the lower row as everyone was chatting amongst themselves.

Callie felt anxious, as she saw the screen turned on. Something told her it wasn't right, for what they were doing, but at the same time, she thought back to earlier and what Karen said.

It bugged her to the core, as she wanted Karen to know how it felt like to be treated like an outcast now, though Callie was trying to turn over a new leaf, she couldn't help but think back to what the girls said about her.

Knew they were right about her, and how she treated everyone terribly.

But trying to change for the better, so she wouldn't be that lonely anymore like she is now.

As the video played, Callie wasn't focused on it as she was more focused on a figure behind the curtain.

With furrowed eyebrows, Callie saw the figure as it had a light blue jumpsuit on. But the face is what got Callie shaking as it terrified her.

Callie shook her head, believing her eyes were playing tricks on her. Refocused her attention back on the screen, as she slouched down.

Callie heard some laughter, slightly turning her head as she saw Karen exiting the theater.

Guilt dawned on her as she felt slightly bad for the girl. But remembering how Karen framed her and got her in trouble, that guilty feeling went away a little.


The girls were outside the theater, talking.

"We're okay, right?" Imogen asked. "I mean, it wasn't that bad, was it?"

"It wasn't as bad as torturing and killing an animal," Minnie said.

"Or killing a pig, cutting it's inside just to get a heart and dip it in a bucket of its blood," Callie said.

"Don't forget, she made it look like I put razor blades in her shoes," Faran said. "I could've been arrested. I might still be arrested by her Nazi father."

"It was a mirror," Tabby said. "We held up a mirror to her, and everyone saw who she really is."

"The point is, none of us should feel bad or guilty," Callie said. "Bitch got what she deserved."

"Guys," Noa said. "I should probably go. Got curfew, anyone want a ride?"

"I wish," Tabby said. "I gotta stay and sweep up the floors."

"Fun." Callie sarcastically said.

"Yeah," Tabby said. "And Callie I'm sorry for what I said the other day, I was out of line. You're a changed person."

"Yeah, so am I," Faran said. "You're a lot better than Karen at least."

"Me too," Noa said. "I guess we shouldn't just judge a book by its cover."

"Apology accepted," Callie said. "But I should get going before my mom tears me a new one."

Callie, Minnie, Noa, and Faran all walked away.



Callie stood in the hallway with other girls, as they waited for Imogen to come out of the principal's office.

Upon seeing a distraught Imogen, Callie immediately became concerned for the girl.

Imogen walked over to them.

"We heard the announcement and assembled," Tabby said.

"You okay?" Callie asked.

"Uh, Karen dropped out of the race," Imogen said.

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