Nick couldn't help but give in. He had a soft spot for those big brown puppy eyes. This could work out, he'd just spend less time with Abby. They'd only see each other when necessary.

"I'm sorry." He ran his hand over her cheek. "I didn't mean to say all those things."

"It's ok. I know you are under a lot of stress. never cheat on you, especially, not with the boss." She wrapped her arms around his waist and pecked him. "Now can we finish up our food tasting, please."

Nick nodded, already defeated. He'd lost this argument and he was back to square one. They continued the rest of their tasting like a happy couple; deciding on the chicken and fish and then they headed to the airport.

Nick waved at his bride-to-be as she disappeared through the tunnel. He would have liked to see her run back and say something like her job was definitely not as important as making him happy but he knew that was a fat chance. So he trudged back to his car deciding to sulk for the rest of the night with a bottle of something. He hadn't decided yet.


Abby wiped at the tears in her eyes and stared at the wall in front of her. Sometimes things seemed to just spiral out of control for her. She knew that her job wasn't easy and getting attached to people was forbidden, but then again it was inevitable. There were two reasons for that too. One, she was working with children and they needed to be nurtured. Two, it was just her nature to attach herself to people.


His voice made her heart leap into her throat. She looked up and stared into Nick's concerned blue eyes. "Hi." She sniffled and wiped her nose with a tissue. "I...I came here looking for Brian or Tiffany. Brian didn't answer and I forgot Tiff was leaving today. No one is home and I...I don't want to be alone." She broke into another sob.

Nick knelt down to her level. He groaned at the thought of his new promise diminishing the moment he saw the tears in her eyes. "What's going on Abby?"

"He's...they called...he's really..." She couldn't get the words out and she was sobbing louder.

" about we go inside?"

Abby shook her head and slowly got up. She followed him inside and leaned against the counter. Nick kept his distance and offered her something to drink, but she declined and continued to cry.

"'re kinda freaking me out. Did someone do something to you? Are you hurt? What's going on Abby?"

"It's...Charlie...he's dying. He's dying! And I'm not there...he needs me...and I'm not there."

He placed his hand on hers, thinking that was as close as he'd get. Then out of nowhere she hugged his waist and pressed her face into his chest. He swallowed hard and held his hands out in panic. He'd just promised himself that there would be no more random hanging out with Abby or close contact with her. Now, here she was all wrapped up around him and he was conflicted.

Slowly his hands tightened around her and he led her to the sofa where he helped her sit down. "Please don't leave. I don't want to be alone. I'm waiting for a call." Her eyes were pleading and he couldn't say no.

He took a seat at the end of the couch; she quickly huddled up against him. She was too worried to think about what she was doing, how close she was getting to him or if she was making him uncomfortable. She just wanted comfort from someone and she was thankful he was the one to give it to her. All she wanted was to close her eyes and stop thinking that she might never see Charlie's smiling face again.

Nick was pinned to the corner of the couch by Abby's body. Her face was on his chest, her arms were around his waist and the rest of her body was on the sofa; almost on his lap. He carefully tried to slide out, but her hands tightened around him when he moved. Giving up he reached for the control, turned on the TV and decided to rest his eyes.

"So fucked!"

Nick groggily opened his eyes and jumped at the sight of AJ hovering over him. "What the fuck, AJ?"

"You tell me?" His eyes trailed over the body next to Nick.

"This is not what you think? Keep your voice down shithead. What the hell are you doing in my apartment anyway?"

"Sheesh who pissed in your cheerios this morning? I brought Pixie back...well I got the key from Brian. He dropped them off at my place this morning. What's going on between you two? He said I am the best man now." AJ smiled cockily.

" are a great friend and I love you man, but Brian is still the best man. He's just having a rough time right now, but he will come around."

"Fuck you then. Here is your dog." He handed over the fuzzy dog and she quickly curled herself up on his lap. "So...I still can't knock-up Ro, either...You think something's up with her pipes?"

Nick scrunched his nose in disgust. "Dude, I don't want to discuss your wife's piping. Seriously...just...go keep trying!" Nick waved off AJ.

AJ grinned wickedly and started for the door and then turned around to look at Nick. "Yo, bro..." Nick looked up and AJ mouthed the words 'You are so fucked' then closed the door behind him. Nick sighed looking down at Abby who was still sound asleep against him.

AJ wasn't lying.

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