Chapter 25

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Jaemin and I went inside the small house in the middle of the field. I was expecting to see his grandparents since This is their Farm, but i was surprised to see that There's no one living in this cute little household

Jaemin: are you hungry? You slept for hours, you must be starving right?

He questioned as he took the keys out and Opened the door. He held the door for me before giving me a smile.

Jaemin: ladies first

I scoffed and shake my head as I walk inside the house. I was stunned to see the place. It's so clean, and very homie.

Jaemin: make yourself at home, Ill cook, what do you want to eat?

I ignore Jaemin and Went to the living room, I looked around and Was amazed at how cozy this house feels. As I was looking around, I saw some pictures on the cabinets. A kid caught my eye.

I giggled as I took the pictures and stared at it. It was Jaemin. He was wearing a blue hat and was smiling brightly in the camera.

Jaemin: Sunsh- woah! What's that?

I looked towards Jaemin's voice and Found him looking at me with his eyes squinting and brows furrowed, while I just smiled at him

Jaemin: Why are you holding that?
Hae: what?
Jaemin: that

He pointed at the picture frame in my hand I chuckled again before putting it back and Slowly walking towards Jaemin. His brows were raised which made me Laugh.

Hae: You're so cute, Jaemin!!

I squealed as I pinch his cheeks while he hiss in pain, which made me more happier

Hae: Really cute!!!!
Jaemin: It hurts, sunshine

He uttered I smiled and Pulled my hand away, he held both of his red cheeks and caress them with a pout on his Lip. I smiled again and Sighed.

Hae: Im starving. Sunlight is Starving.

He gave me a nod and Walked away with his hand still in his cheeks Rubbing it to soothe the pain. I perked my lip and Followed him.

I stared at him as he stood at the fridge One hand on his cheek and the other is holding the fridge's door. I sneak behind him and Slowly circle my arm on his waist.

I felt his body stiffened, i sighed and Leaned my cheeks on his broad back.

Jaemin: s-sunshine
Hae: Im sorry for pinching your cute cheeks

I do not know why but I felt my eyes water, why the hell am I crying over his cheeks??

He put this hand on top of mine and Slowly hold it before turning around and cupping my face. He gave me a small smile

Jaemin: It doesn't hurt, sunshine
Hae: It does hurt
Jaemin: No, not at all
Hae: I know it hurts Jaem-
Jaemin: And if it does? What do you want me to do? Pinch your cheeks back?
Hae: If that will make it up to you then Okay, You c-can pinch my cheeks

I bit my lip and Shut my eyes preparing for him to pinch my Cheeks the same Way I pinched his. I waited until I felt Something touch my cheek. I opened my eyes and saw How close Jaemin is. And realized what he just did

He kissed me on my cheek.

Jaemin: There, all Done. Now, Go and Explore the house. Dont go to the second floor, We will go there together. Ill just prepare your Lunch

He gave my head a pat before walking away, I glance at him and Decided to go outside, I want to look around.

I saw beautiful field of miscanthus on the side there was a field of Grads where small Cows run around. there's a huge tree in the middle of the feild.

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