Chapter 12

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I feel like shit! I'm a morning person but now, I hate mornings! This morning sickness is really making me feel like shit!

After eating at the Cafe yesterday, Jaemin drove me home and Earlier this morning I woke up because I wasn't feeling so great and now mom called me to be at school early because we have things to talk about

I haven't told anyone yet, And I have no plans on telling anyone. I told Jaemin not to tell anyone about the me being pregnant and he agreed.

Its for the best

I lazily walk to the classroom to put my bag on my seat before going to My mom's office but A familiar face came into my perspective, he gave me his famous eye smile

Jeno: you're early
Hae: so are you

He grinned and walked with me, I feel like Jeno will be a nice person too, a very nice person. Actually he is the type of guy that would be ready like if he found out he got someone pregnant he would tell her to have the child and he will support both of them.

Jeno: Oh right, Yesterday were you with Jaemin?

I stopped on my way and Stared at Jeno, he rubbed the back of his neck and had a shy smile on his face

What the hell is that face?

Jeno: I-I uh happen to know about the uh-
Hae: the what? What do you know?

I cut him off, what does he know? Does he know about the little bean? Shit did he heard Mine and Jaemin's conversation? Or did Jaemin told him??

Jeno: hey hey, look at me

He suddenly held my shoulder making me loot his eyes, he chuckled and Pat my shoulder

Jeno: I just happened to know about the thing in the Hena noona's cafe, like the girl fight thing.

I let out a breath and Smiled. Geez! I almost thought he knows

Jeno: but why were you shaking? Is there something I shouldn't know?


Hae: I- no theres nothing to kno-

SHIT! I need to go to the bathroom! I am not feeling well, shit shit shit!

Jeno: are you okay?
Hae: Yes- actually no shit!

I run to the bathroom and Vomit. This morning sickness is really making me feel like shit!

Jeno: Hae? Are you okay?
Hae: This is the lady's bathroom Jeno!
Jeno: I know, dont worry im not inside.

I sighed and went out of the cubicle after puking, I washed Mye face and stared at myself in the mirror

My eyes lowering from my face to my stomach. I smiled a little.

It must be nice to be a mom. But I am not ruining Jaemin's life for this. Im sorry little bean. I'm sorry.

I fixed myself and went out of the bathroom to see Jeno leaning at the wall waiting for me, he gave me a small smile before patting my shoulder

Jeno: are you okay?
Hae: uh yes, I just ate too much strawberries hehe

I awkwardly grinned at him, He chuckled and Ruffled my hair before walking me to my mom's office

Jeno: oh before I forget, Ill be having a party next week. And I want you there.
Hae: Oh a party? Like drinking ?

I acted like I haven't heard about him throwing a party on his birthday.

Jeno: I mean do you think I'd have like a tea party?
Hae: uh no i uh alright, I'll be there!

I uttered and he smiled brightly, Just in time we arrived at my mom's office, He bid goodbye as I went inside.

My mom was there doing paper works early in the morning, i sighed and Sat on the small couch

Mom: you're here!
Hae: i am, anyway what is it mom?
Mom: Me and Your dad will be staying with Your aunt in America, and that means you'll be alone at home. As for the school, I can work in America, so there's nothing to worry about

America? I want to come too

Hae: So?
Mom: I'm saying, you might have to stay with Hee for awhile
Hae: what? Mom, she has a soulmate and every night they do dinner night I dont want to ruin all their dinner night mom!
Mom: dinner nights? Oh, that's cute. Me and your dad do that all the time back then, but now we barely have dinner night. Good old days

She stared at me and smiled. Im grossed out, she stared at me like she's in love, gross.

Mom: anyway, so you cant stay with Hee?
Hae: I can but I wont

The image of renjun opening the door for me when I slept at Hee's place just give me goosebumps, like they'll have sex and Ill be in the other room having trouble sleeping because of their noise so that's like the most terrible idea

Mom: Do you want to stay at home?

Home? That is a huge place but I can be all alone by myself, i dont mind. Actually I'd love it!

Hae: I'm okay all alone
Mom: okay, then Ill have some rules
Hae: wait rules? You haven't even told me when you're leaving
Mom: You're dad already left last night, and I will be leaving this afternoon.
Hae: Dad left?!

My father left without saying goodbye to me?

Mom: He said goodbye, but you were asleep. Anyway, the rules!

She smiled widely and I sighed. This is not good.

After all the arguing and complaining, I left her office,  stomping my way back to my classroom

She called those rules?!

Rule 1, No parties at the house unless I can clean by myself. okay that's okay, I can deal with that.

Rule 2, No drinking or partying unless I'm with Hee. Easy to do! Kind of.

Rule 3, No maids or butler till they come back. Okay what? That is bullshit! So who will drive me to school? And who would pick me up from school??

Rule 4, I can have sleepovers but if its with a boy no, no sleeping in the same bed, use the other room. Okay! Not that I have a male friend- oh Jeno, but that's not gonna happen.

Rule 5, Min will check on me every Saturday and he will report things to mom. Really? Do I look like i need a babysitter?

Rule 6, I cant use my car, unless I'll use it in the circuit. Not that I use my car in daily basis.

Last rule. Rule 7, I must answer all their phone calls or else Ill be staying with hee and Be a third wheel. That's just hell! What if Im playing a game?! What do I do?!

Those rules are not so bad, but the rule number two is Bad. Like damn! Do I really have to follow that rule? I complained to mom but all she said, Im watching you kiddo with a matching wiggling brows. Creepy.

I have the coolest parents but they're very strict when They're not around. Like so strict. But then again, I have to follow their rules, rules that will last for 5 months! Dang it!

I really hope aunt Fe will make this worth it, she should make sure that, me following these rules would be worth it!

Damn you Auntie Fe!


Bitter, sweet, lust || NCT FFजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें