The Invitation

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The tiny clock on your desk read 08:30 PM. Homework has kept you from mingling with your classmates in the common room since 7:30 PM.


You thought, not expecting that it's already been an hour since you started on your school work but still haven't finished. 

Although it was a Friday night, your teachers didn't hold back in giving you things to do before the weekend. Luckily for you, you were the type of person who likes to spend her weekend however she pleases, so you made it your goal to finish everything tonight.

You were a 2nd year student at UA who just transferred recently from Shiketsu High School, which is located in the western side of Japan, due to your parents relocating because of work. The news of the move was heartbreaking for you because that would mean you'd have to leave your friends. 

Starting anew was always daunting, but you had to face it, since your dad's current company have closed due to some issues and his new job required that he be situated near his work place.

You did thought to keep on studying in Shiketsu High School, but the commute would be very tiring it was one the opposite east side of Japan, opposite your new home, Musutafu in Shizuoka Prefecture. Which means to you had to transfer to UA.

The first day of class as a new girl was always nerve racking, but you were welcomed with open arms by your new classmates and that made it easy for you to adapt to your new environment. Of course, you still kept in touch with your friends in Shiketsu but your new friends were very nice to you and they made you feel that you belong.

You were now getting started on your Modern Hero Art History when you heard a knock on your door.

'Who could that be?'

You thought as you stood up to answer the door and to your surprise it was Bakugou Katsuki. 

What was he doing here? 

With eyes growing wide, you gasped at his surprise visit. 

Who wouldn't be surprised? The person that you've been crushing on since day one just suddenly showed up on your door step. Anyone would be caught off guard!

Yet here he was, standing in front of you, all 172.2 cm of his gloriousness. 

'It's him! IT'S HIM!! Why is he here?!'


A sudden 'ahem' from Bakugo brought you back down to earth from cloud 9.


"Um ... "

 Obviously nervous for having to do what he needs to do right now and just the sight of you makes his knees wobble, he attempted to speak in a shaky voice, hoping that you wouldn't hear how loud his heart was beating.

He drew a deep breathe and exhaled to calm himself down before trying again.


"Hi, L/N-san. Um ... I know you're wondering why I'm here. There is something that I wanted to tell you ... and that's ... Will you go out with me?"

Finally! He finally did it! He said it! He was glad to have taken another deep breathe before asking as it gave him an ounce of courage to speak up.

And now for your reply.



That was all you could manage because truthfully, you saw his mouth moving that told you that he was definitely saying something but none of it reached your ears due to the deafening sound your heartbeat.

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