Relationship Status: It's c0MpLicAt3D

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A/N: in this chapter, Layla has to officially announce her relationship with Warren in public and on social media to convince Will she's moved on. But Will doesn't really want to believe it...

"So...we're dating now."

Layla's friends sat across from her in surprise. That was certainly not something they expected to hear during the first class of the day.

Magenta looked at Warren then back to Layla. "Well, I'm glad you took my advice...I just didn't think it'd happen so soon."

Zach scratched his head. "This feels weird. Like, you...and him? For realsies? You're together?"

Warren's eyes were fixed in a hard stare. "And?"

"...nothing. Congratulations, bro!" Zach laughed nervously.

"So, uh, you guys already had a first date?" Ethan asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, we...went to a Chinese restaurant," Layla said quickly. 

"Dang, gurl, I'm proud of you," Magenta leaned back smugly. "Gotta say, this may just be one of the craziest things I've ever seen you do, and that's including the time you brought carnivorous plants for a science project."

"Everyone's gonna be talking about it," Ethan said. "You guys are quite the odd couple."

Zach nodded. "Yeah, I don't wanna be around when Will finds out."

The bell rang and class started, but Layla could hardly pay attention when all her classmates were staring at her and whispering, no doubt about her newfound relationship with the 'boyfriend' sitting next to her.


Sure enough, the halls were buzzing with the news of the hottest new couple in school: Layla Williams and Warren Peace.

As soon as she sat down for lunch, Layla was bombarded with questions from girls in her class she had barely spoken to before. They were all eager to know more about her 'boyfriend'.

"Oh my gosh, Layla, you're dating Warren Peace?!"

"You know his dad's a supervillain, right?"

"How did you even start going out?"

"Have you had your first kiss yet?!"

Layla was completely flabbergasted at all of them screaming and giggling at her all at once, it was overwhelming...and annoying. How did Will not get tired of this?

"Hey, can you move?"

The girls turned their heads to find Warren standing there and they scattered themselves to make room for him.

Layla felt her cheeks getting warm as he sat down, she could feel every table in the cafeteria keeping their eyes glued to them.

"Hey, Layla, how come your Facebook status still says you're single?" One girl asked in an obnoxious tone. Before she could get her answer, the girl noticed Warren's stiff glare telling her to get lost. She squeaked and ran back to her table, not wanting to evoke his wrath.

Layla's eyes widened, suddenly remembering a crucial detail: her Facebook status was still set to single. She whipped out her phone in a frenzy and noticed dozens of notifications and Facebook friend requests.

Apparently, someone had snuck photos of the two of them sitting together at school and posted them. Even Magenta made a post with a caption that said: 'To my fav new campus couple, and my fav bestie.'

Layla's fingers felt clammy as she gripped her phone, desperately trying to edit her profile to show the new relationship status. The thing was, she hadn't even sent a friend invite to Warren's account yet, and she couldn't set them to 'dating' until it was accepted.

"Um, Warren?" She smiled nervously, showing him the screen.

He grunted, rolling his eyes before pulling out his phone.

They sat for two minutes in silence, frantically trying to update their social media status. As soon as they clicked 'save', the entire dining hall was filled with the sounds of notifications going off, it was spreading like wildfire. 

Now everyone in school would know they were in a relationship.



She whipped her head around stunned. "Will? Oh, hey! Um...what's up?"

"Yeah, um," Will's gaze moved and he locked eyes with Warren for a brief moment. "Hey, can I talk to you for a bit?... Like, alone?"

Layla looked at Warren and back to Will. Warren didn't say anything, but tilted his head slightly, telling her to go.

She nodded slowly and stood up. "Yeah, okay. Let's talk outside."

Almost everyone was watching them as Will and Layla exited the cafeteria doors, and they whispered amongst themselves, trying to make sense of the scene before them.

As they stepped outside, Layla felt her heart rate spike, her blood was pounding in her veins. Did her plan work? It must've sparked some kind of uneasy emotions in him at the very least. 

"So, what did you wanna talk about?" She asked, folding her arms behind her back.

"'re dating Warren Peace?" Will asked in disbelief. When he first heard the rumours he thought it was impossible, but when he saw her new Facebook status, he had to see it for himself.

He exhaled a heavy breath. "Are you seriously dating him? My archnemesis?"

Layla rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. "Yes. I'm dating Warren. What about it?" She could tell he was feeling jealous, which meant she was a few steps closer.

Will sputtered in shock. "How could you? To go after one of my greatest enemies like that...Layla, are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Layla looked at him thoughtfully. Things were certainly going as planned, but she didn't consider how she would execute it. But it was an interesting new predicament.

"Will, are you jealous?" She asked.

"W-what?! No way!" Will stuttered in surprise.

Of course, you're not...she thought.

"Well, who I date is my business. You've dated plenty of girls before, so why's it such a big deal when I finally get a boyfriend?" Layla retaliated. She wanted to get a rile out of him, and it was working. But Will had to make the first move.

"Because it's you and Warren Peace," Will emphasised. "Everyone knows you're my closest friend and my best friend dating my archenemy is sure to raise some questions. Is he the reason why you blew me off on our study session?"

She tried to play it cool and seem uninterested. "Well, yeah...but it was just once. You've cancelled on our plans before for your girlfriend."

Will sighed. "Layla, as your friend, I'm trying to tell you he's bad news. There are plenty of great guys at this school, so why him?"

Layla bit her lip, she didn't think he cared that much. "If I happen to like him, it's my choice. I appreciate your concern, but it's got nothing to do with you."

With that, she turned on her heel and headed back to the cafeteria, leaving Will by himself in the corridor.

Her heart was pounding in exhilaration. She thought it went well, but who's to say? At least now he's showing that he actually cares, even if it's just a little bit.

When she got back to her table, Warren raised an eyebrow at her. "So? Is he jealous? If he cares he's sure to disapprove of us being together."

Layla nodded. "He took the bait. Phase one is complete. Now we just gotta keep playing the part."

"Alright," he replied. "This might be done sooner than we thought. Just keep going at it and he'll beg you to take him back eventually."

"You sure?"

"Trust me. I'm trying to help you."

Layla chuckled and smiled softly. "Thanks, Warren."

Warren returned the smile. "You're welcome."

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