Chapter 37

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Hajime Kokonoi roamed his gaze around as he stood by the threshold of the noisy, crowded room.

The outside of the abandoned two-storey building--that served as the headquarters of Panthera Tigris in Shibuya--was already jammed with young men in identical overall so it didn't surprise him to see that the inside was no different. More young men in pale orange Tigris uniform occupied the tables and chairs inside, making a sea that was a mix of familiar faces and new ones.

He was greeted by the soft, hissing sound of shuffling cards the moment he walked in, accompanied by the clinking of coins that came bouncing from the four corners of the place to his very ears. The atmosphere of the place suddenly seemed suffocating to him. Too many people. The noise. His head seemed to ache. Maybe it wasn't a good idea to hold Panthera Tigris' monthly meeting in the Shibuya headquarters.


He turned his head on the sound of his name. At the far end of the room in a huge, U-shaped sofa, he saw the smirking visage of the captain of Panthera Tigris Shibuya Chapter, Mikoto Osamu. Keeping the neutral look on his face, he walked towards the sofa and sat on an empty space.

"Late again, huh." Mikoto scoffed. "Are your balls that heavy you took so long getting here?"

"Is the president already here?"

"Not yet."

"Then I'm not late."

It was over seven months ago when Kokonoi met Mikoto in an underground drag racing event. The tall, laid-back guy have heard and known him for being a former member of Black Dragon and Tenjiku. He was asked if he wanted to be part of Panthera and the next thing he knew, the guy had already brought him to meet Panthera Tigris' president, Yagi Oshiro, who then appointed him to become Shibuya Chapter's vice captain as per Mikoto's request.

Koko knew about Panthera. Long before joining it, he was already aware of its existence as it was known in the delinquent world as one of the biggest gangs in Tokyo. A powerful gang that rooted from Shinagawa led by the infamous Oshiro brothers. It was far from just an ordinary biker gang--it was more like an organization that functions underground, specially the gang's bigger unit led by the older Oshiro, the Leo. From what he heard, Leo's president, Zawa Oshiro, along with Panthera's Elite Class even had a direct connection from the Tokyo Yakuza, accepting inside jobs and other underground transactions.

"These Shinjuku fuckers taking up the whole place to themselves," said a small guy of dark complexion, Shibuya Chapter 1st Division Leader, Kyo Doichi. "Do we do this when we're in their headquarters? Fuckin' no, right?"

"As the host of Panthera Tigris' general meeting this month, they're our guests," Koko said. "Be polite."

"Yeah?" Kyo leaned to him. "Shut up and suck a dick, neophyte."

"That's enough, Kyo," Mikoto said, stopping him. "Kokonoi's your vice captain, show some respect."

Koko heaved a sigh while Kyo pulled back to his seat, throwing him a glare. Koko understood why the guy always had a bad temper when it comes to him. Kyo was supposed to be promoted as Shibuya Chapter's next vice captain, but it didn't happen because the position was given to Koko right at the moment he joined. Kyo had been in the gang for years, of course it would anger him that the position he longed for would just be given to a mere neophyte. It's not like Koko wanted it, though. It was Mikoto's decision and was approved by the president. He was just lucky that Mikoto was aware of his background and experience in the gang world that made him trust his capability to lead.

"Yagi is taking so long," said Ibara, the 3rd Division leader. "That fucker's really fond of making his men wait. It's been an hour! Man, what a dick."

Kawame, the 2nd division leader, nudged him to the ribs. "Careful with your mouth. That's the president you're referring to."

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