Game day

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It was my twin brother's baseball game and he was pitching against the best batter number 27 Bruce Yamada
*Strike one........
*Strike two.........
Home run
Bruce starts to jog because he ended the game and won which wasn't surprising tho Finney was good like really good he still wasn't that good  He nods to finney with a smile on his face which was sorta petty then his team cheering his name walked over to finneys team to do stupid the good game and handshake thing and then I see Bruce stop finny to tell him something finney gave him a soft smile then came over to me

I and the other team start to shake hands and I get to Bruce and he stops me "your Are is almost had me" he chuckles I give him a small smile then looked back and saw Y/N waiting for me I say good game to Bruce and bye to my team then I walk up to her "you did good finny Blake very impressed "Y/N says sarcastically with a small smile "Wow Y/N thank you so very much"I say in the same tone my smile growing "You are so very welcome " she smiles more then goes on to say "But uhh I'm going to donnas" "ill take care of dad for ya" he says hesitantly "ya know what never mind you wanna go get pizza or something?" She asks "no it's fine go with Donna, " I say as she raps her arm around me "hmmm whatcha thinking pepperoni ? Cheese ? Pinap-" I cut her off "Y/N if you say pineapple I will punch u," I say with a huge smile on my face that face and her smile grows as we start walking to the pizza shop

Y/Ns pov:
We ate our pizza on the walk home talking about him and Donna and how he needs to stop those bullies and then get ready for bed tomorrow we have school but I couldn't sleep thinking about Vance how can he get kidnapped why him "Y/N " Gwen says staring at the ceiling snapping me out of my thoughts "hm" I ask my eyes still closed "c-can we talk about something p-please" she asks sitting up I open my eyes and make room on my Bed for her a pat it signaling her to sit as I'm waiting she lays next to me I rest my head in my palm and face her waiting to hear what she has to say "so I've been having some weird dreams..about the uhm missing kids " she says "Gweny I'm gonna need some detail "I reply with hand motions "so he has a black van and small black balloons " I cut her off seeing her panic rise in her body
"It's ok gweny you'll be ok I promise, "I say hugging her tight and falling asleep with her in my arms still wondering what her point was
I woke up to the alarm look down at Gwen and tried getting up without waking her and get dressed with low-rise jeans and a tight black long sleeve shirt as I was about to wake up Gwen she shoots up and began to panic I rush over to her grabbing her shoulders "hey hey breath Gwen breath you'll be ok" I hesitate "what happened " I ask "I had a dream t-that you went to Donnas an-and h-he took you Y/N HES GONNA TAKE U" finny runs in a few seconds later "Are you guys ok what happened"
"Nothing w-were fine " I reply me and finny go to the dining room and make some cereal waiting for Gwen to walk out As were eating finny starts to slurp his cereal I look and him then at dad "do you think you can slurp that a little louder I don't think they can hear you up in the boulder "as those words leave his Gwen walks in and bigan to walk over to the bread thing (Idk what it's called😭) she pulls the bread thing door down but drops it making a loud noise and dad puts his head down in disappointment then looks at he "sorry daddy" Gwen says hesitantly then goes on to make a face me and finny chuckle

As were walking gwen starts talking about her friends and how she wanted to marry some fart knocker
Then we hear faded screaming as we start to get closer we can hear the cheering of a crowd "fight ,fight , fight"
The crowd gets bigger and I see moose and robin? What happened ? We become the crowd and moose was shit talking about who know what
"I'm gonna beat your ass like the scrawny little Beaner you are and smash your beaner gf "
Moose shouted (I'm a beaner not being racist😭) "then do it .. if your not scared" robin reply's moose did as told and swung but sadly missed Then Robin went into action and I a blink of an eye moose was on the floor and Robin on top beating the shit out of him with the words
Stop *Punch*
Talking *Punch*
About *Punch*
My *Punch*
Girlfriend *punch*
Robin then gets up winks at me and the crowd moves for him to just walk away I turn around and noticed finney and Gwen are gone I take a second and looks around be cant seem to find them where have they gone ? I turn back around and chase after Robin once I catch up he interlocks his hands with mine "why'd you beat him up Robin"I ask not pay attention to my surroundings "he was shit talking about me and you "he replies looking down at his feet "so you beat him up?!?" I shout louder enough for people around hear "Yes!!"he shouts back rage fills my body I let go of his hand and walk the other direction and noticed a black van sorta like the one gwen described it's stops in front of me and walked my direction "Hey young lady " he says dragging the young
"Uhmmm hi?"I reply dragging the I
"Sorry to bother but can you help me find my dog?" He asks" I would totally help you but I have school to get to sorry "i turn back around "wait!" He shouts I sigh in annoyance and turn to face him "at least let me show you a magic trick?" I hesitated then looked in his van and see the black balloons also what gwen described I panic "no thank you bye "I turn around and sprint to school the van right behind me once I start to see the Building and tons of kids in the corner of my eye I see the black van Leave


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2022 ⏰

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