anonymous1873627 (6:45 am):
i have ran out of patience. i have given you multiple chances to stop posting those disgusting blogs yet you kept doing it anyway.  pigs like you doesnt fucking deserve to keep breathing and living like others. so ill give you one last fucking day to enjoy your pitiful life on earth, before i kill you tomorrow.


"Yeah, that explains why she left all of this for us to find out. But I don't get it, why didn't she just call the cops? She knows the threat is real, so why let whoever this is kills her anyways?"

"Yes, that is strange. But first, we need to trace the suspects ID and inform Jeon."

After leaving the devices to the Cyber department to find out who's behind the account, Namjoon and Taehyung make their way to the Director's office. 

"I hope you two bring me good news."

Jungkook speaks upon the arrival of the sibling. His demeanor stern and grim. Since the announcement to catch the Flower Killer with all hands on deck, Director Jeon has been strict on his employees to find anything possible on the suspect. So far, there hasn't been any single information on even a fraction of this killer. It's like chasing a god damn ghost. 

"The victim left us a clue on who might the Flower Killer is. She left her username and password to a blog website at the 'Gold Coast' pub. We found messages from an anonymous account that has been sending her horrible death threats, one text was sent a day before victim's bodies has been found."

Taehyung reports while giving Jungkook screen shots of the text messages. The Director's face seems to has relaxed a bit, finally something worth investigating into.

"This is huge, thank you agents. Has the ID been traced yet?"

"Cyber's doing it right as we speak, sir."

"Good. After a year, we finally have something on this bastard. Great work, inform me immediately once they found the owner the ID."

"Will do sir."

Jungkook hands back the evidence to Namjoon, both nodding to the Directors before leaving his office. It's nice to deliver your boss good positive news and seeing him calm for the first time in a week. As they walk to their work station, they see Seokjin bringing Hye Jin's boyfriend in for interrogation. The boyfriend's looks nervous, his hoodie stained with sweat and he's being cuffed. 

"Isn't Seokjin suppose to interrogate him at his house?"

Namjoon questions. Seokjin is leading a team to the victim's boyfriend after all. The two decide to approach their fellow colleague as he put the guy in the interrogation room. 

"Hey Jin, why'd bring him here? He knows who the killer is or something?"

The younger brother asks. Since Hye Jin's boyfriend was the one who found her body, the chance of him being the murderer is quite low, though of course not impossible. 

"Nope, he ran as soon as he saw us. Saying he don't know anything, which we had to bring him in for further questions."

"That's odd, but he talked to the local police though, right?"

The local police officers are the first ones to respond to any emergency. The FBI is the one that deals with any major cases, which in this situation - continuous homicide caused by a psychopath that likes flower. Therefore the victim's closest friends (which does not include Hoseok as they haven't talked in ages) and family has already been questions by the police.

"Yes, which is even more suspicious if you ask me."

"Hm. You know, we actually find something really useful for this case. You think we can ask him  some questions 'bout it?"

Taehyung suggests, looking over his coworker to see if that's okay. 

"Fine by me, go ahead."

Successfully gaining access to interrogate the victim's boyfriend, Taehyung and Namjoon walks into the stuffy room. The interrogation room is dark, with dimmed lights and painted walls. The suspect is cuffed to a small metal arch on the middle of the table. He looks up to the sound of open doors, looking scared, like he was hiding something.

"Lee Jong Myun, right? My name's Kim Namjoon and this is my brother - Kim Taehyung."

The elder sits down in front of the suspect while Taehyung stands with his back leaning on the one-way mirror, reading through the boyfriend's testimony and alibi. 

"As you can tell, we're here to-"

"I don't know anything, I swear! Whoever tipped you off, they're fucking lying!"

Jong Myun yells, eyes looking at them frantically. He starts to sweat even more, not sure because of the heat or just plain anxiety. Both of the agents share a glance before Namjoon questions him.

"What do you mean "tipped you off". Are you the murderer of Miss Song Hye Jin?"

"Murderer? No, I was talking about the weed. What murder- Oh."

The suspect scrunches his face in confusion, until he realized he was not taken due to his illegal stash of weed, but the murder of his girlfriend. 

fuck, i'm lonely •|vhope|• <eng>حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن