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"I'm sorry. Did you just say Hye Jin is...dead?"

After a long moment of silence, Hoseok was finally able to speak. His voice shaking, eyes wide open, skin pale, exactly how Taehyung would imagine his reaction on the victim's death. He can't help but to feel sorry for the elder, they must've ruin his entire day, or even weeks because of this information.

"Yes, I apologize to inform you this late."

Namjoon states, not trying to bombard the male with questions in order for him to calm down a bit. Taehyung exchange glances with his brother while making sure Hoseok is alright. He's still in shock, but as minutes pass by, he looks a little better.

"Mr Jung, are you okay now, for us to ask you some questions?"

Namjoon carefully watches his expression, then let out a relief sign when he slowly nods.

"Alright, now, can you tell me what you know about Miss Hye Jin, your relationship with her as well as what you can remember the day she visited you. And please be as explicit as you can."

Taehyung immediately takes out his small notebook and pen in his pocket, ready to scribble down important details. Hoseok licks his lips, obviously nervous as he tries to look back a week ago.

"Hye Jin and I were friends back in high school. We weren't that close before until she dated one of my best friends, which leaded to their marriage. I rarely met them, especially after their wedding. She really surprised me when she visited the pub, it was around 8, I think. I guess because she saw my posts on social media and decided to go. We catched up all night, talking about our student life back then. She drank a lot, too, like she's stressing about something. Then when she got really drunk, I called her husband, which is Jong Muyn, I guess you guys already knew that. Then he arrived, at about 1 in the morning, and took her home. After that, we only exchange small talks. And now she's...gone."

He then takes a deep breath, eyes fixed on the floor. Taehyung wrote down everything he could, though he's sure Namjoon has already recorded it.

"Does she has any enemies or someone had hatred against her?"

"Not that I know of, no. She's a friendly person, so I don't think anyone would hate her. Or even murders her."

Namjoon nods.

"You mentioned her drinking a lot the day you met her, correct? And you said it's like she's stressing about something. Do you have any ideas what that could be?"

Taehyung raises a question, tapping his pen on the notebook, glancing at the man. Hoseok shook his head.

"I don't know, she never mentioned anything. She just seems down at the time. I never had the chance to ask since I didn't think it was a big of a deal. If I knew that would be the last time I saw her, I would've done it differently."

He claims, head hung low due to the guilt he's feeling. Taehyung suddenly felt really bad, he does seems sincere, though the chances of him being the murderer aren't low.

"I see. Well, I think that's enough for today. If you have any further information about our victim that you think would be useful for the investigation, please come to our headquarters. Thank you for your cooperation Mr Jung."


Vantea: Hey guys! I do apologize for the long wait. I'll make sure to update this book more frequently now since I'm writing on my laptop (which is a life-saver tips that I can't believe I didn't use till now). I'm really grateful for the people that has been waiting patiently for this book, I felt like a jerk just leaving them unfinished. Love ya'll so much! And please stay safe!

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