However, the idea of running from my problems, pushing them to a later date, irked me. I wasn't the type to run; I hated running away. It made me feel weak, and I wasn't weak. I was completely certain I could kill the entire team of soldiers below me; even if they were armed to kill. Sure I might not be able to do it unscathed(the key word being might), but I could do it. The problem was, InGen would notice their disappearance. And they'd then come to the logical conclusion that I must be in the area, especially if they found the bodies. I could bury them, but that might take too much time, time I was beginning to run out of.

I would have attacked them already if Maisie wasn't here. She could be hurt, and I didn't want a child to see bloodshed. She was too innocent to be tainted; I'd do my absolute best to avoid exposing her to anything close to that. She'd already seen death, in the form of her grandfather. That I couldn't have protected her from; I had been locked up still. I was very strong; but I couldn't bend the bars of my cell. I'd already tried that; my captors had wised up and made sure the overall structure, including the bars, of any prison I was placed in were far stronger than the others. I could always tell if the material was stronger, it smelled different.

But I digress. The important thing was what to do about the scout team. Just stay out of their way until everyone has left? Kill them all now? But what if some of them didn't deserve to die? I'd be crossing a line I had sworn to never cross.

I took a glance at the watchman. His head was starting to nod more often, I'd noticed. I'll wait until he's asleep, then I'll sneak Maisie back to Owen's place. Then I'll-

The smell of more humans drifted into my nostrils. My train of thought stopped as I recognized it immediately. Zia and Owen were coming this way. They were still quite far away-nearly nine or so miles- but after a few minutes of sniffing the air, I could tell that they were heading my direction. They must have grown worried about Maisie; of course they had to come looking! And they'll be calling out for her too. If they get close enough, the squad will surely wake up and catch them!

The good news was, they were still quite far away so I had plenty of time to collect my thoughts and decide on a plan. Which I did quickly. I worked quite well under stress; it helped to get my thoughts going. I gently pulled the sleeping form of my best friend into my arms and held her against my chest. I had to use one arm to move slowly down the tree, looking at the watchman every now and then to check where his attention was. I chose to move now because he was gazing in nearly the opposite direction from the tree. It was now or never.

Careful to keep my noise to a minimum, I made my way through the ever-thickening branches until said branches ended and I was left completely exposed. I remained invisible as I continued to descend until finally, finally my limbs touched earth, and I could finally relax my claws, which felt like they were on fire from having to support my weight for so long. But it was a small price to pay to keep Maisie safe.

Now came the real test; sneak through the sleeping humans while keeping Maisie hidden from the watchman as well as being extremely careful not to alert anyone to my presence. I knew I could do it by myself, but the key factor was Maisie; her presence caused the situation to become that much more complicated.

I began to make my invisible way through the sleeping humans, who were all clustered around the tree in soft-looking bags. There were a total of twelve, so I picked the area with the least humans so the risk was as low as it could be. I tried to keep Maisie hidden from the lone watchman, but I didn't know how well humans could see in the dark. I knew it was terrible, but how terrible? Could they barely see their hands or could they see far more than that? I didn't know, so I was as cautious as I could be.

Maisie's Friend-An Indoraptor FanficWhere stories live. Discover now